UB News 04/02

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: July 15, 2002 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of April 2002 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000, ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.



The New York Times, April 14, article on strange objects in library collections notes UB has Robert Graves' backpack.

The Washington Post, April 14, article discussing the effects of the Internet on the music industry mentions a study done at UB.

The Washington Post, April 10, article reports UB alumnus Tom Toles will become the new political cartoonist for The Washington Post.

The Washington Post, April 9, article on this year's Pulitzer Prize winners reports Carl Dennis received the prize for poetry for "Practical Gods."

USA Today, April 30, article on quarterback Drew Bledsoe joining the Buffalo Bills quotes Arun Jain, Samuel P. Capen Professor of Marketing Research and chair of the Department of Marketing.

USA Today, April 5, article on Sugar Ray Leonard's role as a promoter of heavyweight prospect Baby Joe Mesi reports the boxer will fight in UB's Alumni Arena.

The Boston Globe, April 9, article on this year's Pulitzer Prize winners reports that Carl Dennis won the poetry prize for his collection "Practical Gods."

Houston Chronicle, April 29, article on teens and spending quotes Lewis Mandell, professor of management.

San Francisco Chronicle, April 24, article on the financial literacy of high school students quotes Lewis Mandell.

Los Angeles Times, April 7, article on technology developed at UB to identify the path of destruction of a volcanic eruption quotes Michael Sheridan, professor of geology.

The Chronicle of Higher Education, April 11, article reporting that John Lombardi will be the next chief administrator of the University of Massachusetts-Amherst campus mentions that Provost Elizabeth Capaldi was a finalist for the job.

The Chronicle of Higher Education, April 5, article looks at a new book written by Steven B. Sample, former UB president.

Newsday, April 25, article on a 10-year-old boy and 15 year-old-girl who killed their 6-year-old brother quotes Charles Patrick Ewing.

Newsday, April 23, article on the financial literacy of high school students quotes Lewis Mandell.

(Albany) Times Union, April 3, article reporting Gov. Pataki has hired his daughter for his campaign committee notes that he will receive the "Igniting Ideas Award" from UB.

Hartford Courant, April 9, article on this year's Pulitzer Prize winners reports that Carl Dennis won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry.

The (Bergen County, N.J.) Record, April 8, article reports UB researchers have isolated a small piece of protein found in human saliva that has powerful anti-microbial activity, and quotes Libuse Bobek, associate professor of oral biology.

(Rochester) Democrat and Chronicle, April 2, article discussing the possibility of boxing being brought to Rochester mentions Baby Joe Mesi's fight in Alumni Arena.

The Augusta Chronicle, April 4, article reports UB researchers have isolated a small piece of protein found in human saliva that has powerful anti-microbial activity.

Orlando Sentinel, April 23, article on teens and their financial literacy quotes Lewis Mandell.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 14, article on universal design for homebuilders and owners quotes Abir Mullick, associate professor of architecture.

Grand Rapids Press, April 23, article on the financial literacy of high school students quotes Lewis Mandell.

Baton Rouge Advocate, April 24, article on the financial literacy of high school students quotes Lewis Mandell.

St. Louis Post Dispatch, April 28, article on a 10-year-old boy and 15 year-old-girl who killed their 6-year-old brother quotes Charles Patrick Ewing.

The (Madison, Wisc.) Capital Times, April 23, article on the financial literacy of high school students quotes Lewis Mandell.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, April 29, article on teens and spending quotes Lewis Mandell.

The Wichita Eagle, April 24, article on the financial literacy of high school students quotes Lewis Mandell.

Tulsa World, April 4, article reports UB researchers have isolated a small piece of protein found in human saliva that has powerful anti-microbial activity.

Deseret (Utah) News, April 25, article on the positive impact technology is having on senior citizens reports a UB study showed that people with an array of devices to help them get around their homes spend less on hospitalizations and in-home nursing than those who don't.

Wire Services

Associated Press, April 29, article on Buffalo's struggling economy calls the Buffalo Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics the region's the best hope for the future.

Knight-Ridder Tribune Business News, April 29, article on teens and spending quotes Lewis Mandell.

Associated Press, April 25, article on a 10-year-old boy and 15 year-old-girl who killed their 6-year-old brother quotes Charles Patrick Ewing, professor of law.

Associated Press Newswires, April 26, article on the financial literacy of high school students quotes Lewis Mandell.

Cox News Service, April 25, article on the positive impact technology is having on senior citizens reports a UB study showed that people with an array of devices to help them get around their homes spend less on hospitalizations and in-home nursing than those who don't.

PR Newswire, April 25, article on the financial literacy of high school students quotes Lewis Mandell.

Knight-Ridder Tribune Business News, April 24, article on the financial literacy of high school students quotes Lewis Mandell.

Associated Press, April 23, article on earthquake retrofitting in wake of the Au Sable, N.Y., earthquake quotes Michel Bruneau.

Business Wire, April 23, article on the financial literacy of high school students quotes Lewis Mandell.

Dow Jones International News, April 23, article on the financial literacy of high school students quotes Lewis Mandell.

Business Wire, April 16, article reports a device to mask tinnitus that was tested at UB's Speech-Language and Hearing Lab has received marketing clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Associated Press, April 11, article reports Tom Toles will become the new political cartoonist for The Washington Post.

Associated Press, April 10, article reports that John Lombardi will be the next chief administrator of the University of Massachusetts-Amherst campus, and notes that Provost Elizabeth Capaldi was a finalist for the job.

Associated Press Newswires, April 10, article reports on a speech by former President Bill Clinton at UB.

Associated Press Newswires, April 9, article reports Provost Elizabeth Capaldi has withdrawn her name for consideration to head the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Associated Press Newswires, April 8, article on the announcement of the 2002 Pulitzer Prizes reports Carl Dennis has won the prize for poetry.

Associated Press Newswires, April 8, article reports on Carl Dennis' reaction to news that he'd received the Pulitzer Prize for poetry.

Associated Press, April 7, article on technology developed at UB to identify the path of destruction of a volcanic eruption quotes Michael Sheridan.

Associated Press Newswires, April 6, article report that UB placed fourth in the Clean Snowmobile Challenge.

Associated Press Newswires, April 2, article reporting Gov. Pataki has hired his daughter for his campaign committee notes that he will receive the "Igniting Ideas Award" from UB.


American Way, April 1, article on the lack of bonuses in many businesses this year quotes Jerry Newman, interim dean and SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor in the School of Management.

Creative Loafing, April 3, article reports that a UB professor expects butterfly wings to be genetically altered to permit advertising logos in the near future.

Energy Times, article on ways to grow better muscles mentions a UB study that found that female athletes eating 35 percent of their calories as fat had more endurance.

Credit Union Journal, April 29, article on teens and spending quotes Lewis Mandell.

Health and Medicine Week, April 29, article reports a UB study has found that lutein and zexanthin have a significant positive effect on lung health.

Pain and Central Nervous System Week, April 29, UB researchers have found that as education level goes up, risk of death from stroke and brain hemorrhage is reduced.

U.S. News & World Report, April 15, article on student health insurance looks at two UB students' experiences.

Diabetes Week, April 15, article reports UB researchers have found a link between gum disease and diabetes in a study conducted in two Native American populations, and quotes Sara Grossi, clinical assistant professor of oral biology.

TB and Outbreaks Week, April 23, article reports that UB researchers have revealed new information on the molecular structure of cholera toxin's extracellular transport signal.

Immunotherapy Week, April 10, article reports that treating gum infections with an antibiotic decreases markers of inflammation throughout the body, further supporting the connection between oral health and general health, and quotes Sara Grossi.

Health & Medicine Week, April 8, article reports that treating gum infections with an antibiotic decreases markers of inflammation throughout the body, and quotes Sara Grossi.

Mechanical Engineering-CIME, April 1, article on UB research on turbulent combustion that could lead to more environmentally friendly and efficient engines quotes Cyrus Madnia, associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering.


National Public Radio

Morning Edition, interview with Lewis Mandell looks at financial illiteracy among high school students.

Cnet Radio

Interview with Lawrence Sanders, professor of management science and systems, on the impact of online music sharing on the creation of pop "superstars."

KCBS-AM (San Francisco)

Lewis Mandell comments on the poor financial skills of high school students.

KHOW-AM (Denver)

Many high school students are flunking when it comes to financial literacy, according to UB professor Lewis Mandell.

Interview with Lewis Mandell on why high school students lack financial skills.



"CNN Money Morning" interviews Lewis Mandell on the steady decline of teen literacy scores.


"News Hour with Jim Lehrer" features interview with Carl Dennis about his Pulitzer Prize winning poetry collection "Practical Gods."

All News Channel Cable Programming

Segment on the financial literacy of young people includes interview with Lewis Mandell.

KDKA-TV (Pittsburgh)

Bill Clinton says he's delighted to see Secretary of State Powell in the Middle East; the former president spoke at the University at Buffalo.

KNBC-TV (Los Angeles)

A UB study has shown that what you feed your baby as an infant can help determine his or her risk of obesity.

KRON-TV (San Francisco)

UB's Lewis Mandell says high school students nationally lack basic financial knowledge.

WCMH-TV (Columbus, Ohio)

UB researcher link a baby's diet to its risk of obesity later in life.

WCNC-TV (Charlotte, N.C.)

Researchers at UB have traced the problem of obesity in babies to the high carbohydrate count in infant formulas.

WMAQ-TV (Chicago)

UB researchers say infants who eat a lot of carbohydrates can gain a lot of weight.

WOOD-TV (Grand Rapids, Mich.)

A UB study shows the risk of obesity is high for babies fed formula and early solid feedings.

WRAZ-TV (Raleigh Durham, N.C.)

Professor Lewis Mandell says financial literacy is declining steadily among high school students.

WSMV-TV (Nashville)

New research conducted at UB suggests that feeding babies formula might lead to obesity.

WTTG-TV (Washington, D.C.)

Lewis Mandell says financial literacy among teens is in a steady decline.

WTVF-TV (Nashville)

Financial literacy skills among teens have declined.

WTVT-TV (Tampa Bay)

Interview with Lewis Mandell on the declining financial literacy scores of teens.

WUSA-TV (Washington, D.C.)

Former President Clinton spoke to a crowd at the University at Buffalo, saying he's delighted to see that Colin Powell was in the Middle East.

WWMT-TV (Kalamazoo, Mich.)

Teens are failing basic questions about personal finance.


(London) Sunday Times, April 21, article on exercise-induces asthma reports that UB researcher have found that dehydration makes the condition worse.

The Times of London, April 24, article on research that shows that feeding infants high-carbohydrate formula may predispose them to obesity as adults quotes Mulchand Patel, professor and chair of biochemistry.

The Times of London, April 15, article reports that a UB study has shown that homeless children who live by their wits in Third World nations appear surprisingly fit and healthy.

The Toronto Star, April 9, article on the winners of the 2002 Pulitzer Prizes reports Carl Dennis has received the prize for poetry.



Article on this year's Pulitzer Prize winners mentions that Carl Dennis won the poetry prize for his collection "Practical Gods."


Advance for Careers Online

Changing careers doesn't always mean leaving the field (quotes Dan Ryan).


Article on this year's Pulitzer Prize winners reports that Carl Dennis won the poetry prize for his collection "Practical Gods."

Baltimore Sun Online

Teens get low marks for financial literacy (quotes Lewis Mandell).


Article on this year's Pulitzer Prize winners reports that Carl Dennis won the poetry prize for his collection "Practical Gods."


Article reports that John Lombardi will be the next chief administrator of the University of Massachusetts-Amherst campus and mentions that Provost Elizabeth Capaldi was a finalist for the job.

Article on this year's Pulitzer Prize winners reports that Carl Dennis won the poetry prize for his collection "Practical Gods."


Interview with Lawrence Sanders, professor of management science and systems, on the impact of online music sharing on the creation of pop "superstars."


Students flunking financial literacy (quotes Lewis Mandell).


Article on this year's Pulitzer Prizes reports that Carl Dennis won the Pulitzer for poetry.

Daily Bloglet

Advertisers may soon have a new medium for their messages: butterfly wings (quotes Antonia Monteiro, assistant professor of biological sciences).

Environment News Network Online

All female mission launches Aquarius Undersea Lab research season (quotes Mary-Alice Coffroth and Tonya Shearer).


A study conducted by a UB researcher found that homeless children are healthier than originally thought.

Article reports that Frank Fincham, professor of social and clinical psychology, has found that chronic relationship strain is associated with poor mental and physical health.

Pharmacists as specialists treating HIV (quotes Eugene Morse, professor and chair of pharmacy practice).

Healthy Women.org

"Soul mates" do exist, if only in our minds: study (quotes Sandra Murray, associate professor of psychology).

InteliHealth Online

Link between gum disease and heart disease gets more support.

London Daily Telegraph Online

The ability to write designs, logos and messages on the wings of butterflies could emerge from UB research (quotes Antonia Monteiro).

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Online

State students struggle with financial facts (quotes Lewis Mandell).

National Science Foundation Online

UB researchers funded by NSF are developing technology that may identify not only where and when a volcano will come to life, but the path its destructive lava flow will follow.


Article on this year's Pulitzer Prize winners reports that Carl Dennis won the poetry prize for his collection "Practical Gods."

Article looks at the death in Central Park of Rosemary Murray, UB alumnus.

Not so good with plastic: students get "F" in finance (quotes Lewis Mandell).

News Rx.com

UB researchers have revealed new information on the molecular structure of cholera toxin's extracellular transport signal.

UB researchers have found a link between gum disease and diabetes in a study conducted in two Native American populations.

Treating gum infections with an antibiotic decreases markers of inflammation throughout the body.

News Rx.net

UB researchers have revealed new information on the molecular structure of cholera toxin's extracellular transport signal.

UB researchers have found a link between gum disease and diabetes in a study conducted in two Native American populations.

Treating gum infections with an antibiotic decreases markers of inflammation throughout the body.

Orlando Sentinel Online

Teens get low marks for financial literacy (quotes Lewis Mandell).

Reuters Health Online

"Soul mates" do exist, if only in our minds: study.


Online Music Sharing Diminishes "Superstar Phenomenon" in the Music Industry (quotes Larry Sanders).


Kicking coke easier than once believed (quotes Scott Coffey, assistant professor of psychiatry).

Technology Review Online

New software tools improve communication during catastrophic events (quotes James Llinas, advanced technology applications professor of industrial engineering.

The Chronicle Online

Article reports that John Lombardi will be the next chief administrator of the University of Massachusetts-Amherst campus and mentions that Provost Elizabeth Capaldi was a finalist for the job.

Article looks at a new book written by Steve Sample, former UB president.

Article on a small, two-year college that has dropped tenure quotes one of its faculty members, Victoria Brennan, who received a doctorate in cell and molecular biology from UB.

The New York Times Online

Many teens flunk money matters (quotes Lewis Mandell).

The Washington Post Online

Article discussing the effects of the Internet on the music industry mentions a study done at UB.

Tom Toles will become the new political cartoonist for The Washington Post.

Third Age.com

Are your kids destined for debt? (quotes Lewis Mandell).


"Programmed obesity" handed down to next generation (quotes Mulchand Patel).

United Press International Online

Scientists are looking to create a butterfly model that will allow them to study how the insect's genes determine the colorful patterns on its wings (quotes Antonia Monteiro).

USA Today Online

Many high school seniors flunk financial literacy (quotes Lewis Mandell).


Feeding your baby formula high in carbohydrates during the first weeks of life or introducing cereals and juices too early may cause changes in the body that could lead to obesity later in life (quotes Mulchand Patel).

Wired News Online

UB researchers are developing a system that for the first time will be able to predict a volcano's path of destruction (quotes Michael Sheridan).

UB scientists are taking the first detailed census of a Florida coral population in a study that may hold the key to survival of the world's dwindling coral population (quotes Mary-Alice Coffroth.



The Buffalo News, April 30, article on improving communication between students and professors is written by Howard Wolf, professor of English.

The Buffalo News, April 30, Front Page, Life & Arts, article on an anti-smoking mouthwash mentions Sebastian Ciancio, SUNY Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Periodontics and Endodontics.

The Buffalo News, April 29, Page One, article on solar energy quotes Dennis Andrejko, professor of architecture.

The Buffalo News, April 29, "Inside UB" column reports on low voter turnout for the election of a student representative to the UB Council, and on the arrest of a former UB cleaner.

The Buffalo News, April 29, article reports Uday P. Sukhatme will become dean of the College of Arts and Sciences on Aug. 1.

The Buffalo News, April 28, article reports UB is in final negotiations to sell the Pfeifer Theatre to the owners of Club Marcella.

The Buffalo News, April 28, Front Page, Arts & Books, article profiles Carl Dennis, professor of English, and looks at his Pulitzer Prize winning book, "Practical Gods."

The Buffalo News, April 28, Page One, article on living in Western New York notes that UB students from New York City complain that Buffalo just isn't "cool" enough.

The Buffalo News, April 28, Front Page, Viewpoints, article on the pollution in Hickory Woods mentions testing done by UB faculty and students.

The Buffalo News, April 28, article evaluates the chances of the bio-economy succeeding in Buffalo.

The Buffalo News, April 27, article announces that UB has hired Jeffery Skolnick to head the Buffalo Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.

The Buffalo News, April 26, "Inside UB" column reports on a performance by comedian Jimmy Fallon in the Center for the Arts.

The Buffalo News, April 25, article reports the anonymous donor who established UB's Distinguished Honors Scholars Program has contributed another $800,000 to the program.

The Buffalo News, April 25, Front Page, City & Region, article reports on the lecture given by filmmaker Ken Burns as part of the Distinguished Speakers Series.

The Buffalo News, April 25, article on marriage after 20 years quotes Frank Fincham, professor of psychology.

The Buffalo News, April 24, Front Page, City & Region, article reports President William R. Greiner and others made a strong case for federal funding for the Buffalo Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics during "UB Day in Washington."

The Buffalo News, April 24, "Inside UB" column reports on students fishing in Lake LaSalle; a lecture to be given on Lackawanna's founder, and the Alan E. Cober Memorial Lecture.

The Buffalo News, April 24, Front Page, Life & Arts, article on filmmaker Ken Burns mentions he will lecture in Center for the Arts.

The Buffalo News, April 23, article reports a student judicial panel has decided that the three fraternity members linked to a fatal Grand Island car accident can remain at UB.

The Buffalo News, April 23, Front Page, Business, article on the lack of financial knowledge of high school seniors quotes Lewis Mandell.

The Buffalo News, April 23, column written by Chester J. Gary, assistant professor of dental medicine, expresses the opinion that patients should be willing to pay for high-quality medical care.

The Buffalo News, April 22, "Inside UB" column reports on the renovation of the Hayes Hall bell tower, and the UB Alumni Association's Celebration of Excellence Dinner.

The Buffalo News, April 22, article reports Bruce Jackson, Samuel P. Capen Professor of American History, is being knighted by the French government.

The Buffalo News, April 22, photo shows UB students participating in the 18th annual Oozfest.

The Buffalo News, April 21, editorial by President Greiner looks at UB's commitment to the South Campus.

The Buffalo News, April 21, review of "Varieties of Romantic Experience" is written by Mark Shechner, professor of English.

The Buffalo News, April 21, article on the financial status of Adelphia Communications quotes John Stephan, assistant professor of management science and systems.

The Buffalo News, April 21, column on the complexity of the human race is written by Paul H. Reitan, professor emeritus of geology.

The Buffalo News, April 21, Front Page, City & Region, article on political chaos in the Town of Lancaster quotes James Twombly, assistant professor of political science.

The Buffalo News, April 20, article reporting that Adelphia stock is at a four-year low quotes John Stephan.

The Buffalo News, April 19, Page One, article on Mayor Masiello's efforts to create downtown housing quotes Robert Shibley, professor of architecture and director of urban design.

The Buffalo News, April 19, "Inside UB" column reports on the wrestling career of UB alumnus Chris Kanyon, and Oozfest.

The Buffalo News, April 19, editorial discussing the many plans to improve downtown Buffalo mentions the Urban Design Program.

The Buffalo News, April 18, Page One, article discussing the Supreme Court's ruling on virtual pornography quotes Domenic Licata, computer graphics instructor.

The Buffalo News, April 17, Front Page, Business, article on the disparity in wages between men and women quotes Ruth Meyerowitz, adjunct associate professor of women's studies.

The Buffalo News, April 17, "Inside UB" column reports on President William R. Greiner's call-in show, and a lecture being sponsored by the Muslim Student Association.

The Buffalo News, April 17, article reports the UB football team is staging its last spring scrimmage.

The Buffalo News, April 15, an editorial expresses the opinion that UB should rebuild the South Campus.

The Buffalo News, April 15, "Inside UB" column reports on vegetarians leaving graffiti on the plaza; smoke in the Student Union; the America Reads tutoring program; President William R. Greiner's call-in show, and a lecture given by Bruce McCombe, professor of physics.

The Buffalo News, April 14, Front Page, Viewpoints, article written by Jerome Slater, professor emeritus of political science, discusses the unilateralist attitude of the Bush administration.

The Buffalo News, April 14, article written by Mark Ashwill, director of the World Languages Institute, looks at the changing relationship between the U.S. and Vietnam.

The Buffalo News, April 14, article discusses Provost Elizabeth Capaldi's decision to stay at UB.

The Buffalo News, April 14, Front Page, Arts & Books, article profiles choreographer Bill T. Jones, who recently completed a three-week residency at UB.

The Buffalo News, April 14, Page One, article discussing the future of Adelphia quotes Alex Ampadu, adjunct assistant professor of accounting and law.

The Buffalo News, April 13, article reports the Law School's Baldy Center for Law and Social Policy will sponsor a conference examining the experience of the African-American male.

The Buffalo News, April 13, article reports UB alumnus H. William Lichtenberger has donated $250,000 to the School of Management.

The Buffalo News, April 12, article on the ethical debate over human cloning quotes Stephen E. Wear, associate professor of medicine and co-director of the Center for Clinical Ethics.

The Buffalo News, April 12, "Inside UB" column reports on Bill Clinton's speech at UB; and UMass's choice for its top position.

The Buffalo News, April 11, Front Page, City & Region, article reports on Bill Clinton's speech in Alumni Arena.

The Buffalo News, April 11, article praises Carl E. Dennis, professor of English, and mentions his recent Pulitzer Prize.

The Buffalo News, April 11, letter to the editor written by a current student praises the Law School.

The Buffalo News, April 11, Front Page, Sports, article reports the men's basketball team has signed three new recruits for next year.

The Buffalo News, April 10, "Inside UB" column reports on UB students downloading copyrighted music from the Internet; Ken Burns' speech; a lecture on genes and drugs given by UB alumnus Kathleen Giacomini, and the occupational therapy department's open house.

The Buffalo News, April 10, Front Page, City & Region, article reports that Provost Elizabeth D. Capaldi has withdrawn from the chancellor search at the University of Massachusetts.

The Buffalo News, April 10, Front Page, City & Region, article on the closing of two of Kaleida's adult clinics quotes Thomas Rosenthal, professor and chair of family medicine.

The Buffalo News, April 10, Front Page, Sports, column discusses next year's football team.

The Buffalo News, April 10, Front Page, article on Bill Clinton's role as a past president mentions his speech in Alumni Arena.

The Buffalo News, April 9, article on proposed housing standards quotes Henry Louis Taylor, director of the Center for Urban Studies.

The Buffalo News, April 9, Page One, article on the debate over whether to pay reparations to African Americans for the nation's treatment of their ancestors quotes Makau Mutua, professor of law, and Lee Albert, professor of law.

The Buffalo News, April 8, "Inside UB" column reports on Baby Joe Mesi fight in Alumni Arena; a donation of $250,000 to the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences from an alumnus; a lecture to be given by Kathleen Giacomini, and a dance marathon being held to raise money for Gilda's Club.

The Buffalo News, April 8, Front Page, City & Region, article reports that UB and the University of Havana will offer a joint master's degree program in Caribbean studies.

The Buffalo News, April 7, Front Page, City & Region, article on Palestinians here watching the events in their homeland quotes a UB student.

The Buffalo News, April 7, article reports that Bill Clinton's speech will focus on global affairs, community service and globalization.

The Buffalo News, April 7, Front Page, Life & Arts, article on women working in traditionally male-dominated fields quotes Hank Bromley, associate professor of educational leadership and policy.

The Buffalo News, April 7, Page One, article on the possible restructuring of Kaleida Health mentions the possibility of becoming the primary teaching hospital for the medical school.

The Buffalo News, April 7, article on the damage control taking place at Adelphia Communications quotes John Stephan.

The Buffalo News, April 6, Front Page, Sports, article reports on the huge crowd at the Baby Joe Mesi fight in Alumni Arena.

The Buffalo News, April 6, Front Page, Sports, article reports on Baby Joe Mesi's win in Alumni Arena.

The Buffalo News, April 5, "Inside UB" column reports on the annual convention for New York's College Republicans; President William R. Greiner watching a movie with the staff of The Spectrum, and the upcoming Donny Osmond concert in the Center for the Arts.

The Buffalo News, April 5, article discusses a new campaign to attract more out-of-state students to UB.

The Buffalo News, April 5, article reports Carl E. Dennis, professor of English, won the Pulitzer Prize for his poetry collection "Practical Gods."

The Buffalo News, April 5, Front Page, City & Region, article reports Students Against Sweatshops protested against the New Era Cap Company on the North Campus as part of the National Student Labor Day of Action.

The Buffalo News, April 5, Front Page, Business, article on the possible sale of some Adelphia Cable units quotes John Stephan.

The Buffalo News, April 5, article reports UB hopes the exposure of the Baby Joe Mesi fight will lead to more events being held in Alumni Arena.

The Buffalo News, April 4, Page One, article on the chances of a new Adelphia Communications building still being built quotes Ronald J. Huefner, professor of accounting and law.

The Buffalo News, April 3, article reports UB will honor Governor George E. Pataki with the school's "Igniting Ideas Award" for his support of the Buffalo Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.

The Buffalo News, April 3, "Inside UB" column reports on alumni unhappy about Bill Clinton giving a speech at UB; a UB senior's experiences as an exchange student in Germany; a conference co-sponsored by the Urban Design Project; and the rescheduling of Stephen L. Carter's appearance at UB.

The Buffalo News, April 3, article discusses the many departures of athletes from the women's basketball team in recent years.

The Buffalo News, April 1, article reports AT&T has donated $200,000 to help create a master's degree in information and communication.

The Buffalo News, April 1, "Inside UB" column reports Provost Elizabeth Capaldi is a finalist for the chancellor job at the University of Massachusetts, and on the UB Council meeting.

Business First, April 29, article on the growing interest in downtown residential developments quotes Robert Shibley.

Business First, April 29, article on summertime events in Buffalo mentions several events taking place at UB.

Business First, April 29, article announces a research study on teen pregnancy developed by the School of Social Work has won a grant from the Western New York Women's Fund.

Business First, April 29, article reports a study conducted by Lewis Mandell found high school seniors know less about personal-finance issues than they did five years ago.

Business First, April 29, article reports the pharmacy school has begun a program to certify pharmacists in the antiviral treatment for HIV patients.

Business First, April 29, article reports that an anonymous donor has given another $800,000 to the Distinguished Honors Scholars Program.

Business First, April 22, article reports that UB chemists have found a way to place hundreds of reusable chemical sensors in an area smaller than a dime.

Business First, April 22, article profiles Louis Lazar, clinical associate professor emeritus of family medicine, and his practice.

Business First, April 22, article reports Uday Sukhatme has been named the new dean for the College of Arts and Sciences.

Business First, April 15, article on Cricket Communications quotes Arun Jain.

Business First, April 8, the School of Social Work has begun a community-based program aimed at reducing youth violence in the Kensington neighborhood.

Business First, April 8, article on new standards for occupational therapists mentions a five-year bachelor's/master's program to begin in 2003 at UB.

Business First, April 8, article reports a group of UB researchers has developed a software model that protects mission-critical connections against high-speed network failures.

Business First, April 8, article reports UB received a $250,000 donation to support the development of undergraduate laboratories.

Business First, April 1, article reports the Zonta Club of Buffalo presented Provost Elizabeth Capaldi with the Yellow Rose Award.

Business First, April 1, article discussing the job prospects for law school graduates quotes Lisa Patterson, associate dean for career services at the law school.



WBFO Radio

A UB student from the Middle East shares her feelings on the war in that region.

UB will host a community planning meeting tonight.

An anonymous donor has given another $800,000 to the Distinguished Honors Scholars program.

UB representatives traveled to Washington, D.C., to seek funding for the Buffalo Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.

Michel Bruneau, deputy director of the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, and Greg Baker, assistant professor of geology, want Buffalo to the earthquake-ready.

WBFO was knocked off the air when strong weather hit Buffalo and doused power on the South Campus.

Two UB scientists will be living and working deep under the surface of the ocean studying a coral reef off the coast of Key Largo, Fla.

UB looks at international students and homeland security.

Praxair has donated $250,000 to the School of Management.

UB will host a talk on terrorism.

Interview with Jim Twombly on Clinton's speech at UB.

Provost Elizabeth Capaldi has taken herself out of the running for the job of chancellor of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

UB's Carl Dennis has received the Pulitzer Prize in poetry.

Henry Louis Taylor discusses improving housing standards in the area.

UB is trying to increase the number of out-of-state students attending the university.

Students against Sweatshops held a protest at UB.

WBEN Radio

Interview with Lewis Mandell on teens and financial literacy.

Two UB students involved in a party where alcohol was served can remain in school.

Interview with Michel Bruneau on the earthquake in Au Sable Falls, N.Y.

Interview with Dennis Black on Bill Clinton's speech at UB.

Coverage of Bill Clinton's speech in Alumni Arena.

Provost Elizabeth Capaldi has announced she is out of the running for the job at chancellor at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Interview with Carl Dennis on winning the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for poetry.

Interview with John Stephen on Enron.

WGR Radio

Coverage of Bill Clinton's speech at UB.


Coverage of Bill Clinton's speech at UB.

Carl Dennis discusses receiving the Pulitzer Prize for poetry.

Provost Elizabeth Capaldi has taken herself out of the running for chancellor of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Henry Louis Taylor discusses improving housing standards in Buffalo.

UB's Carl Dennis has received the Pulitzer Prize for poetry.

Coverage of the Baby Joe Mesi boxing match in Alumni Arena.

A "Jobs for Justice" rally was held at UB.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

UB art students have made site-specific art projects in Buffalo City Hall.

The YMCA of Greater Buffalo marked its 150th anniversary with a celebration in the Center for the Arts.

David Sandberg, associate professor of pediatrics, discusses early puberty.

Filmmaker and historian Ken Burns speaks in the Center for the Arts.

Interview with Jamson Lwebuga-Mukasa, associate professor of medicine and director of the Center for Asthma and Environmental Exposure, on a study of the health impact of Peace Bridge traffic.

A UB study has shown that feeding infants high-carbohydrate formula may contribute to later obesity.

UB holds its annual volleyball-in-the-mud tournament, Oozfest.

A group of UB students want the university to stop dealing with New Era cap company.

Coverage of Bill Clinton's speech in Alumni Arena.

UB's Carl Dennis has won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry.

UB students hold a peace rally in support of Israel on the North Campus.

Interview with head coach Jim Hofher and quarterback Randall Secky on the upcoming fall football season.

Coverage of the Baby Joe Mesi boxing match in Alumni Arena.

Coverage of boxer Baby Joe Mesi's weigh-in in Alumni Arena.

Story on hepatitis C includes interview with Thomas Mahl, clinical associate professor of medicine.

UB students Preajeeb Rai and Abinash Pai discuss the conflict in the Middle East.

Preview of the Baby Joe Mesi boxing match to be held in Alumni Arena.

Rev. Pedro Castro of Campus Ministries was one of the celebrants of the 13th annual interfaith Seder at Temple Beth Zion.

Segment reports AT&T has donated money to UB to be used to set up a master's degree.

Interview with men's basketball coach Reggie Witherspoon on the final game of the season.

Coverage of the Baby Joe Mesi boxing match in Alumni Arena.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

Steven Piver, professor of gynecology and obstetrics, discusses Pap smear guidelines.

The owner of Club Marcella has become the new owner of UB's Pfeifer Theatre.

A concert to benefit Friends of the Night People was held at UB.

The YMCA celebrated its 150th anniversary in the Center for the Arts.

Segment reports two fraternity brother remain on academic probation following a fatal car accident on Grand Island.

UB researchers say the state's buildings and roadways need strengthening against earthquakes.

Interview with Andrea Dargush, project staff associate in the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, on an earthquake that hit the area.

Segment looks at Oozfest.

Segment on Western New York residents headed to Washington, D.C., for a peace rally includes interviews with two UB students.

UB medical students hold a candlelight vigil for universal health care.

Segment on the warning signs of heart attack includes interview with Susan Graham, associate professor of clinical medicine.

Gov't Mule performed in the Center for the Arts.

Segment reports concert-goers attending a performance in Alumni Arena were overcome by heat exhaustion.

Singer Donny Osmond performs in the Center for the Arts.

Jim Twombly analyzes Bill Clinton's speech at UB.

UB alumnus and Buffalo News cartoonist Tom Toles is heading for The Washington Post.

Coverage of Bill Clinton's speech in Alumni Arena.

UB English Professor Carl Dennis wins the Pulitzer Prize in poetry.

UB students hold a peace rally in support of Israel on the North Campus.

Jim Hofher discusses the football team and spring training.

The Bill T. Jones Dance Company held auditions in the Center for the Arts.

Coverage of the Baby Joe Mesi boxing match in Alumni Arena.

UB students participate in a "Jobs for Justice" rally.

Interview with Uriel Halbreich, professor of psychiatry, on injectable birth control.

Story on a lawsuit against Adelphia Communication includes interview with Lawrence Southwick, associate professor of finance and managerial economics.

Segment on getting enough sleep includes interviews with Daniel Rifkin, clinical assistant professor of neurology.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

The owner of Club Marcella is in negotiations with UB to purchase Pfeifer Theatre.

UB students are expressing their artistic vision on the 25th floor of Buffalo City Hall.

The YMCA is celebrating its 150th anniversary in the Center for the Arts.

UB crew coach Meg Barnes, rower Tracey Clarke and coxswain Tina LaFountain discuss the women's rowing team.

Two former UB football players, Omari Jordan and Bob Dzvonick, have signed NFL contracts.

UB researchers say that Buffalo needs to be earthquake-ready.

Segment looks at Oozfest.

Interview with Greg Baker on an earthquake that hit the area.

Segment reports on the annual Blue and White scrimmage.

Preview of the annual Blue and White scrimmage includes interview with Bob Arkeilpane, director of athletics.

Results of the men's baseball game against Kent State.

Segment reports that President Greiner was among those honored at the citation banquet of the National Conference for Community and Justice.

Members of the UB Muslim Student Association discuss the situation in the Middle East.

Donny Osmond presents a concert in the Center for the Arts.

Coverage of Bill Clinton's speech in Alumni Arena.

Former President Bill Clinton will speak at UB tomorrow.

UB's Carl Dennis has received the Pulitzer Prize for poetry.

Interview with Karl Fiebelkorn, assistant dean of student affairs and professional affairs, and pharmacy student Swati Patel on issues facing pharmacists.

Students on the UB North Campus rally for peace in the Middle East.

Interview with coaches Jim Hofher and Thurmund Moore and player Mike Lambert on the football team's spring training.

Coverage of the Bulls' football practice in Ralph Wilson Stadium.

Coverage of the Baby Joe Mesi boxing match in Alumni Arena.

Harold Star, visiting assistant professor of management science and systems, discusses Adelphia Communication's stocks.

Preview of the Baby Joe Mesi fight in Alumni Arena.

Award-winning choreographer Bill T. Jones held an open rehearsal in the Center for the Arts.

Preview of the Baby Joe Mesi boxing match to be held in Alumni Arena.

WNLO-TV, Channel 23

The YMCA is celebrating its 150th anniversary in the Center for the Arts.

Interview with Andrea Dargush on an earthquake that hit upstate New York.

Segment looks at Oozfest.

Gov't Mule performs in the Center for the Arts.

Donny Osmond performs in the Center for the Arts.

Coverage of the Baby Joe Mesi boxing match in Alumni Arena.

Story on a lawsuit against Adelphia Communication includes interview with Lawrence Southwick.

WPXJ-TV, Channel 19

New Era cap company is facing opposition from some UB students.

Gov't Mule performs in the Center for the Arts.

Interview with Norman Mohl, SUNY Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Oral Diagnostic Sciences, on the history of the Middle East Conflict.

Students on the UB North Campus rally for peace in the Middle East.

Coverage of the Baby Joe Mesi boxing match in Alumni Arena.

Rev. Pedro Castro of Campus Ministries was one of the celebrants of the 13th annual interfaith Seder at Temple Beth Zion.