UB News 10/01

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: November 18, 2002 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of October 2001 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000, ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.



The New York Times, Oct. 16, article on the impact motherhood and gender has on the paycheck and career prospects of women in the life sciences quotes Bernice Noble, professor of microbiology.

The New York Times, Oct. 7, article reports on space in New York City as a public-private partnership, and mentions the book, "Recapturing the Center," written by Mark Gottdiener, professor and chair of sociology.

The New York Times, Oct. 2, article announces that Robert Creeley is the 8th recipient of the Lannan Lifetime Achievement award. The award includes a $200,000 prize.

Los Angeles Times, Oct. 4, article on Web sites that offer information about Islam includes UB's Islamic Texts and Resources site on Wings.

The Washington Post, Oct. 9, article on our understanding of evil after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks quotes Phillips Stevens, Jr., associate professor of anthropology.

The Washington Post, Oct. 1, article reports that thousands of people all over the country whose chronic pain had been in check have suffered setbacks after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Mark Lema said that traffic at Roswell Park had doubled and that the complaints could stem from stress and worry after the terrorist attack.

Detroit Free Press, Oct. 8, article discusses the use of technology in the classroom. There is no evidence that computers help children learn or improve academics and yet schools are allocating increasing amounts of money for the purchase of high-tech equipment. Hank Bromley of the Graduate School of Education said that schools need to ask whether the technology fits in with some educational vision and whether there is a sense of what the technology will accomplish.

USA Today (International), Oct. 16, article notes that Carolyn Korsmeyer was the winner of a contest to write an ending to an unfinished piece by Mark Twain, "A Murder, A Mystery and a Marriage."

(Albany) Times Union, Oct. 24, article on the new wave of substance abusers that are likely to emerge following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks quotes Nancy Smyth, associate professor of social work.

(Albany) Times Union, Oct. 21, article on a study that uses behavioral modification to treat the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome reports half the patients enrolled in the study are from UB.

(Albany) Times Union, Oct. 15, article on the film rights to a newly published novelette by Mark Twain notes Carolyn Korsmeyer, professor of philosophy, was the winner of a contest to write an ending to the unfinished piece.

Staten Island Advance, Oct. 18, article reports President William R. Greiner has said that UB plans to hire 300 more faculty and invest $550 million in its academic buildings by 2009.

Newsday, Oct. 12, article on recovering emotionally from the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks quotes Mark Gottdiener.

(Rochester) Daily Record, Oct. 22, article reports the Law School has become the only law school in the nation to house a fully functioning state courtroom in its building and quotes President Greiner, Nils Olsen, dean of the law school, and George Kannar, vice dean and professor of law.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Oct. 16, article on the film rights to a newly published novelette by Mark Twain notes Carolyn Korsmeyer was the winner of a contest to write an ending to the unfinished piece.

The Detroit News, Oct. 3, article reports that a UB study has shown that teens get more exercise than previously believed.

San Antonio Express, Oct. 15, article reports on UB research that shows that elevated levels of C-reactive protein explain one reason why periodontal disease could be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and quotes Ernesto De Nardin, professor or oral biology.

St. Paul Pioneer Press, Oct. 7, article on airport security problems at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport quotes Colin Drury, UB Distinguished Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering.

National Catholic Reporter, Oct. 5, article reports that the Council for Human Secularism has announced it deplores President Bush's use of the work "crusade" to describe Washington's response to the terrorist attacks and quotes Paul Kurtz, professor emeritus of philosophy.

Daily News, USA Weekend Supplement (New York City), Oct. 19-21, "Eat Smart" column reports on UB research that shows that eating more fruits and vegetables is more effective at combating excess weight than eating less high-fat/high-sugar food. Article was also printed in the following papers: Press & Sun-Bulletin, USA Weekend Supplement (Binghamton, N.Y.), Oct. 19-21; Sunday Sun-Times, USA Weekend Supplement (Chicago, Illinois), Oct. 19-21; San Francisco Chronicle, USA Weekend Supplement (San Francisco, Calif.), Oct. 19-21, and Detroit Free Press, USA Weekend Supplement (Detroit, Mich.), Oct. 19-21.

Business First, Oct. 8, article reports that William and Elizabeth Clarkson have made an endowment of $40,000 to fund annual lectures at the School of Architecture and Planning.

Wire Services

U-Wire, Oct. 30, article on the rising suicide rate among people ages 15-24 cites the UB counseling center as a source of information on factors that may contribute to college students having suicidal thoughts.

Associated Press Newswires, Oct. 21, article on a study that uses behavioral modification to ease the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome reports half the patients enrolled in the study are from UB.

Associated Press Newswires, Oct. 17, article reports that President Greiner has announced plans to hire 300 new faculty and invest $550 million into academic buildings by 2009.

Associated Press Newswires, Oct. 15, article the newly published novelette by Mark Twain notes Carolyn Korsmeyer was the winner of a contest to write an ending to the previously unfinished piece.

The Canadian Press, Oct. 16, article on the film rights to a newly published novelette by Mark Twain notes Carolyn Korsmeyer was the winner of a contest to write an ending to the unfinished piece.

U.S. Newswire, Oct. 10, article reports on a study by William Minniefield, adjunct assistant professor of African American studies, Jun Yang, a doctoral candidate in epidemiology, and Paola Muti, associate professor or social and preventive medicine, that shows that African Americans are less likely to donate organs than other ethnic groups

Knight-Ridder Tribune Business News, Oct. 7, article on airport security problems, particularly at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, quotes Colin Drury.

PR Newswire, Oct. 3, article reports that the Internet2 consortium, which includes UB, will use technology created by RADVISION for its Virtual Internet2 Member Meeting.

Business Wire, Oct. 3, article on the Internet2 conference that UB will take part in reports that StarBak Communications will provide streaming media technology for the conference.


Business Week, Oct. 29, article looks at new cell phone technology being developed by Chunming Qiao, associate professor of computer science and engineering, that would make it easier for people to use their phone in an emergency.

Parade, Oct. 19-21, "Eat Smart" column reports on UB research that shows that eating more fruits and vegetables is more effective at combating excess weight than eating less high-fat/high-sugar food.

Redbook, October 2001, article on a family's battle with their school district over whether their child should be forced to take Ritalin quotes William Pelham, professor of psychology.

Forbes, Oct. 15, article ranking the nation's top business schools places UB 21st among small schools that deliver a substantial payback.

Health, October 2001, article reports a UB study shows that listening to music can reduce blood pressure and stress during surgery and quotes Karen Allen, assistant professor of oral diagnostic sciences.

Fitness, October 2001, article reports that new research from UB shows that beta-cryptoxanthin, a little known antioxidant found primarily in oranges, is a major contributor to respiratory function.

Allure, October 2001, article reports on research conducted by Hollie Raynor, a doctoral candidate in clinical psychology, that shows that consuming too may different foods in a meal or over a day is associated with greater body weight and fat.

Remedy: Prescriptions for a Healthy Life, October-November 2001, article on dealing with stress notes that a UB study showed that pet-owning stockbrokers had lower heart rates and blood pressure than those without animal companions.

Ms. Fitness, October-December 2001, article on a diet and fitness plan for women cites a UB study that shows that people with lung cancer had significantly lower levels of beta-carotene.

Women's Health Weekly, Oct. 18, article reports that women with a history of problem drinking exhibited significant increases in abstinence and light-drinking days after participating in a UB program, and quotes Gerard Connors, director of the Research Institute on Addictions and professor of psychology.

Commonweal, Oct. 12, article looks at a book by Stephen Hart, adjunct assistant professor of sociology, that attempts to identify the "cultural work" that promotes or inhibits progressive politics.

Healthcare Review, Oct. 22, article reports the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences is offering a new master's degree in public health, as well as a dual JD/MPH degree program in conjunction with the Law School, and quotes Dennis Bertram, clinical assistant professor of social and preventive medicine, and Sheila Shulman, adjunct associate professor of law.

Obesity, Fitness and Wellness Week, Oct. 13, article reports that a UB study has shown that teens get more exercise than previously believed.

Medicine Week, Oct. 15, Women's Health Weekly, Oct. 18, article reports that women with a history of problem drinking exhibited significant increases in abstinence and light-drinking days after participating in a UB program, and quotes Gerard Connors.

Machine Design, Oct. 25, article on the physics of a football forward pass quotes William Rae, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

Medical Letter on the CDC & FDA, Oct. 14, article reports that a UB study has shown that teens get more exercise than previously believed.

Heart Disease Weekly, Oct. 14, article reports on UB research that shows that elevated levels of C-reactive protein explain one reason why periodontal disease could be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and quotes Ernesto De Nardin.

Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly, Oct. 1, Moderation Program Helps Problem Drinkers, article quotes Gerard J. Connors, Ph.D., director of the Research Institute on Addictions and a professor of psychology at UB.

The Chronicle of Higher Education, Oct. 5, article reports that UB's Samuel Paley is working with others to create a virtual tour of an ancient Assyrian Palace. Thenkurussi Kesavadas of UB is directing the technological aspects of the project.

The Chronicle of Higher Education, Oct. 5, article reports on William J. Rae's research which concludes that passes thrown by right-handed quarterbacks tend to hook to the right.

National Education Goals Panel Newsletter, Oct. 15, article quotes Doug Clements regarding the importance of teaching young children more about mathematics.

Popular Science, interview with Abir Mullick regarding UB's architects' "Universal bathroom" prototypes for which they won a national design award.


WOR-AM (New York City)

Story on the airplane crash in Queens includes interview with UB students.

KCSN (Los Angeles)

Interview with Nancy Smyth regarding PTSD; how people/children are affected psychologically by the terrorist attack and what treatment is available.


KFOR-TV (Oklahoma City)

Story looks at research on tinnitus being conducted at UB by Alan Lockwood, professor of neurology, including a device that produces a competing sound to allow sufferers to fall asleep at night.

WSOC-TV (Charlotte, NC)

Story looks at research on tinnitus being conducted at UB by Alan Lockwood, including a device that produces a competing sound to allow sufferers to fall asleep at night.

WVPX-TV (Akron, Ohio)

Results of the UB football game against Kent State.

WPVI-TV (Philadelphia)

Story looks at research on tinnitus being conducted at UB by Alan Lockwood, including a device that produces a competing sound to allow sufferers to fall asleep at night.


Lethbridge (British Columbia) Herald, Oct. 29, article reports that a UB study has shown that teens get more exercise than previously believed.

The Guardian, Oct. 25, article reports UB physicists have devised a shock-absorption system that could reduce the impact of a head-on collision by as much as 95 percent, and quotes Surajit Sen, associate professor of physics.

International Herald Tribune, Oct. 17, article on the film rights to a newly published novelette by Mark Twain notes Carolyn Korsmeyer was the winner of a contest to write an ending to the previously unfinished piece.

USA Today (International), Oct. 16, article reports Carolyn Korsmeyer has won a contest to write an ending for a long-unpublished story written 125 years ago by Mark Twain.

The Lancet (UK), reports on UB's digital summit and advises readers that the proceedings will be archived on line.



Article about the parenting special needs after Sept. 11 includes an interview with Nancy Smyth regarding acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.

BusinessWeek Online

Physicists from UB have created a shock-absorption system so efficient that it could reduce the impact of a head-on collision by 95 percent.

Daily University Science News

Article reports that UB's School of Social Work has developed a Web site that offers online information for people having personal difficulty coping with Sept. 11. Article quotes Lawrence Shulman, dean of the school.

Article reports on the increasing importance of cell phones, especially in the wake of Sept. 11. Many victims communicated by cell phone, but many others could not get through due to congestion. Chunming Qiao and Hongyi Wu are developing a system that would overcome that difficulty and reroute calls.

UB has received a $7.3 million, 3-year grant from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research to study the impact of periodontal disease treatment on prevention of second heart attacks. William Greiner notes that UB's Robert J. Genco has been a pioneer in the field, and Elizabeth Capaldi said that the work could have a profound impact on the health of Americans. Genco explains how the grant money will be used.

Article interviews Deborah Waldrop, assistant professor at UB, who was director of social work at an Oklahoma City hospital at the time of the attack on the Murrah Federal Building. She discusses the physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioral affect that catastrophic events have on emergency workers.


UB has received a $7.3 million, 3-year grant from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research to study the impact of periodontal disease treatment on prevention of second heart attacks. William Greiner notes that UB's Robert J. Genco has been a pioneer in the field, and Elizabeth Capaldi said that the work could have a profound impact on the health of Americans. Dr. Genco explains how the grant money will be used.

Guardian Unlimited Online

Physicists from UB have created a shock-absorption system so efficient that it could reduce the impact of a head-on collision by 95 percent.


"Universal bathroom" prototypes win national design award for UB architects.

Study focuses on maternal cocaine use, infant development.

An Internet-based study is aiming to find which method of pain relief works best for women in childbirth.

UB School of Social Work posts online suggestions for coping with traumatizing effects of terrorist attacks.

Experts to address the astonishing impact of digital technology on our life and times.

Brain's central auditory system could compensate for some of Limbaugh's hearing loss, research at UB suggests.

If nightmares, anxiety related to terrorist attacks still persist, it's time for professional help: psychologist says you may be experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder.

Study into periodontal infection and heart-attack risk.


If nightmares, anxiety related to terrorist attacks still persist, it's time for professional help: UB's J. Gayle Beck says you may be experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder.

Article reports that women with a history of problem drinking exhibited significant increases in abstinence and light-drinking days after participating in a UB program.


Article reports that the visual images from traumatic events such as Sept. 11 may be processed differently by the brain than non-traumatic images are. UB's Nancy Symth said that people assimilate images differently depending on their relationship to the events; if they have a personal connection, the effect is more lasting.

Article reports that Rush Limbaugh is rapidly losing his hearing for reasons unknown. UB's Ann Clock Eddins says that the cause may never be known. There will be changes in the way that Limbaugh speaks, as well.

Join Together Online

Moderation program helps problem drinkers.


Women with a history of problem drinking made significant improvement after participating in a UB program (quotes Gerard Connors).


Women with a history of problem drinking made significant improvement after participating in a UB program (quotes Gerard Connors).


Article reports that UB geologists have developed a new risk map that forecasts which areas will be in danger if a catastrophic volcanic eruption occurs near Mexico City. Michael F. Sheridan, Marcus Bursik and Bernard Hubbard were part of the team.

Skyscraper Page Online

Buildings could be built to make jet planes bounce off. Quotes Surajit Sen, Ph.D., UB associate professor of physics, and other UB doctoral graduates.

Scientific Trends. Tendencias Cientificas

Report on UB's digital summit.

Science Daily

Reports on a study focusing on maternal cocaine use and infant development.


Article reports on a five-year research project funded by a $2 million grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse to Rina Das Eiden at UB. The study will focus on the direct and indirect effects of cocaine on infant/child behavior.


At a recent conference of the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology, UB's Uriel Halbreich spoke about the important role that hormones play in mental health issues. Hormone therapy may replace psychotherapy and psychiatric drugs to treat some depression and anxiety disorders.



The Buffalo News, Oct. 31, Page One, article on the low rate of minority homeownership quotes Henry Louis Taylor, Jr., director of the Center for Urban Studies.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 31, Front Page, City & Region, article on the working conditions for part-time faculty quotes Provost Elizabeth Capaldi; Pete Howard and Candace Lombart, part-time instructors in English, and Jean Dickson, grievance chairperson for the Buffalo chapter of United University Professions.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 31, "Inside UB" column reports on a complaint by an Amherst Town Board candidate that UB is neglecting the Eggertsville neighborhood; a winter driving session to be held by the Office of International Student and Scholar Services; and two upcoming terrorism discussions.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 30, "Inside UB" column reports on President Greiner's call-in radio show; the School of Social Work has created a Web site offering resources and information for people having difficulty coping with the terrorist attacks, and an upcoming poetry reading.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 29, "Inside UB" column reports UUP has organize a rally to protest what the union's leaders say is the university's over-reliance on part-time instructors; a discussion of Erie County's financial woes by a candidate for county comptroller; a photography lecture to be held as part of the Art Department's Visual Studies Speakers Series, and an exhibition of African-American photography.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 28, Page One, article on enrollment at Western New York's colleges and universities reports UB has its highest enrollment in years.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 28, Front Page, City & Region, article on a $10 million package approved by the state legislature for high-tech, economic-development efforts at colleges in the state reports Buffalo is well-positioned to receive part of the money and quotes Provost Elizabeth Capaldi.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 27, Front Page, Business, article reports the Amherst Industrial Development Agency has approved a $17 million bond financing package for graduate student apartments on the North Campus and quotes Clifford B. Wilson, associate vice president for student affairs.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 26, article on new NCAA attendance and schedule requirements that could result in UB being dropped from the Division IA quotes athletics director Bob Arkeilpane.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 26, "Inside UB" column reports the Amherst IDA will meet to consider a request from UB to provide funding for the Skinnersville Road housing project; The Center for Industrial Effectiveness has helped three companies and a village government receive $46,000 in state training grants, and the National Association for College Admission Counseling has honored Frances Bernstein, assistant director of admissions, with one of its Rising Star awards.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 25, "Inside UB" column reports Michael Cohen, professor of neurology and chair of the Faculty Senate, opened the most recent meeting with an observation on how many students smoke; President Greiner and senators discussed how to extend the length of the spring semester by one week; a program to be held by the UB chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers, and a performance by the Bayanihan Dance Company.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 24, "Inside UB" column reports on a sparsely attended public meeting on the $300 million construction plan for the North Campus, and a Sickle Cell Anemia Awareness Program to be held in the Student Union.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 23, Front Page, Life & Arts, article on the increased levels of anxiety therapists are seeing in patients post-Sept. 11 includes a box on the School of Social Work's Web site offering online information and resources for professional and the general public.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 23, "Inside UB" column reports the director of the Study Abroad Program has forwarded to its overseas students a State Department advisory that urges Americans to use caution when traveling abroad, and on two African-American studies lectures.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 23, article reports on research being conducted by Chunming Qiao, associate professor of computer science and engineering, to create a wireless technology for bouncing calls from overloaded transmitters to a nearby tower to connect cell phone calls that otherwise would be blocked.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 22, article reports Buffalo Niagara WorldConnect will present its highest honor, the Citation Award, to President Greiner.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 22, "Inside UB" column reports Kerry Grant, vice provost for academic affairs and dean of the Graduate School, received a grilling from the UB Council over a Princeton Review survey that slammed UB's faculty for "sucking the life" out of their classes; UB will host a public meeting to seek input on a $300 million plan for student housing, service buildings and retail space on Lee Road, and a lecture titled "The Feminist Cast Against Abortion."

The Buffalo News, Oct. 20, Page One, article on public hysteria over the threat of anthrax contamination quotes John Vena, professor of social and preventive medicine.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 20, Page One, article on the racial profiling of Arab Americans quotes Henry Louis Taylor.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 20, Front Page, City & Region, article reports members of the UB Council have urged the university to slash expenses in the wake of the economic fallout of the Sept. 11 attacks and quotes council members Gerald Lippes, Randall Clark, Jeremy Jacobs and Victor Rice, as well as President Greiner, Senior Vice President Robert Wagner and Provost Elizabeth Capaldi.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 19, article reports Gordon Gross has been confirmed as a member of the SUNY Board of Trustees.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 19, Front Page, City & Region, article reports UB has built a $1 million courtroom inside the law school that will host Supreme Court and other civil trials and quotes Nils Olsen, dean of the Law School, and President Greiner.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 19, "Inside UB" column reports that student who buy a meal plan with a declining balance lose any money left in the account at the end of the school year; the Law School has established its first named professorship; a speech will be given on evidence that supports creation and disputes evolution, and the Hellenic Graduate Student Association will sponsor weekly traditional Greek dance sessions.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 18, article reports federal authorities investigating the Sept. 11 attacks have examined the school records of a UB students and quotes Joanne Plunkett, associate vice provost and director of the UB Student Response Center; Stephen Dunnett, vice provost for international education; John Thomas, associate dean for international programs in the School of Management, and student Sheryl Brooks.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 18, Page One, article on the anthrax threat quotes Murray Stinson, professor of microbiology.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 18, article reports the NCAA has denied UB's appeal of penalties that reduced the number of official paid visits in men's basketball, and quotes Bob Arkeilpane and coach Reggie Witherspoon.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 18, "Inside UB" column reports on President Greiner's call-in radio show; Rosemary Feal has been named chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures; Zodiaque Dance Company will perform, and on an upcoming meeting of the UB Council.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 17, Front Page, City & Region, article reports that UB plans to invest $550 million in its academic buildings over the next five years, and quotes President Greiner.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 17, "Inside UB" column reports UB is conducting a yearlong review of its athletics program as part of an NCAA certification process; the top five nations that send students for the 2000-01 school year are China, India, South Korea, Taiwan and Japan, and the Law School will present the Jaeckle Award on Nov. 3.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 16, "Inside UB" column reports UB police arrested two UB students for stealing school flags from fans of homecoming opponent Marshall University; the winner of the Survivor Island contest is mulling over what to do with his award; the director of the creative writing program at Bard College will give a poetry reading, and Nobel prize-winner Herbert Hauptman will present a mathematics lecture.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 15, Front Page, City & Region, article on an interfaith rally against racism reports the keynote address was presented by Henry Louis Taylor, Jr.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 15, "Inside UB" column reports students have been writing peace messages in white chalk on the sidewalk near the Student Union and the Commons; President Greiner will discuss his vision for the next five years at the university with the voting faculty; two management students have received scholarships from the American Business Women's Association; the UB Business Alliance received the project-of-the-year award from the National Association of Management and Technical Assistance Centers, and a British new media artist will speak as part of the art department's Visual Studies Speakers Series.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 14, Page One, article reports Carolyn Korsmeyer won the writing contest to finish a short story by Mark Twain.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 12, "My View" column by Othman Shibly, clinical assistant professor of periodontics and endodontics, says nothing in Islam excuses the killing of innocent people.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 12, "Inside UB" column looks at this year's Homecoming Survivor Island contest, and quotes Rob Suglia, Jr., student relations coordinator in the Division of Athletics.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 11, "Inside UB" column reports on Spirit Week activities leading up to homecoming; on a lecture to be presented by a journalist who traveled across his native Vietnam on a bicycle, and an artists reception that has been rescheduled.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 11, Front Page, City & Region, column on the upcoming Banners Against Racism rally quotes Henry Louis Taylor, Jr.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 11, Front Page, Sports, article on college athletic recruiting Web sites quotes Reggie Witherspoon.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 11, Front Page, City & Region, article reports on a talk by Jane Goodall presented as part of the Distinguished Speakers Series.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 10, article looks at UB's football season so far and quotes coach Jim Hofher and player Marques Dwarte.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 10, article reports UB has appointed Robert Genco, SUNY Distinguished Professor and chair of the Department of Oral Biology, to head the newly created Office of Science, Technology Transfer and Economic Outreach, and quotes President Greiner and Provost Capaldi.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 10, "Inside UB" column reports on improvements the undergraduate student government has made to its programs; corrects an earlier column that said James Atleson was unable to accept a distinguished teaching award at Convocation because he was on sabbatical in Italy, and reports comedian Kevin James will perform as part of Homecoming and Family Weekend.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 9, Next, article on a UB study of the activity level of teens quotes Leonard Epstein, professor of pediatrics, and Frank Cerny, associate professor and chair of the Department of Physical Therapy, Exercise and Nutrition Sciences.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 9, "Inside UB" column reports UB is considering hiring one or more faculty members specializing in Middle Eastern studies; that Colin Drury was quoted in the New Yorker magazine on the difficulty of detecting structural flaws on airplanes, and the Law School will hold a terrorism panel discussion.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 8, "Inside UB" column reports UB students living in the University Heights area received free safety information; about the University Convocation, and that famed conservationist Jane Goodall will speak at UB.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 6, Front Page, City & Region, article on how the terrorist attacks have impacted life at UB quotes Dennis Black, vice president for student affairs, President Greiner, and students Sameem Fahmi, Khurram Khan, Merideth MacKay and Heather Jakubowski.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 5, "Inside UB" column reports on the seventh annual University Convocation, and proceeds of a concert by the Buffalo Chips and the Royal Pitches will benefit two Sept. 11 relief funds.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 4, "Inside UB" column reports UB police arrested a cleaner on campus who was wanted on an outstanding warrant, and a lecture on providing end-of-life care for children will be held.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 4, article reports UB has received a $7.3 million grant to study whether treating gum disease in patients who have heart disease could prevent heart attacks, and quotes President Greiner, Robert Genco, Sara Grossi and Maurizio Trevisan, professor and chair of social and preventive medicine and interim dean of the School of Health Related Professions.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 3, "Inside UB" column reports the university has set up a wireless network that allows students and faculty to connect to its computer system and the Internet without cables; astronaut Ellen Shulman Baker will not be able to attend University Convocation to receive an honorary degree because NASA has curtailed all astronauts' travel, and a lecture on classical archaeology will be held.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 2, "Inside UB" column reports that the university has decided against serving beer at stadium concession stands; a higher percentage of undergraduate accounting students passed some or all of the May 2000 certified public accountant exam than from any other university or college in the state, and three students from the political party "The Rock" won seats in the undergraduate Student Association Senate elections.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 2, Front Page, City & Region, article reports UB, the UB Foundation and the UB Alumni Association received judicial permission to resume building the Skinnersville Road housing project.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 2, Front Page, City & Region, article reports crime date for a number of colleges and universities, including UB, and quotes Dennis Black.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 2, Front Page, Life & Arts, article on the early onset of the cough-and-cold season being attributed to the stress of the Sept. 11 attacks quotes Nancy Smyth.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 2, Front Page, City & Region, article reports Andrew Whittaker, associate professor of civil, structural and environmental engineering, Andrei Reinhorn, professor and chair of civil, structural and environmental engineering and Michel Bruneau, deputy director of the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, traveled to New York City to study the collapse of the World Trade Center towers.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 1, article reports a State Supreme Court justice will rule on whether to extend a temporary restraining order that blocks construction of the Skinnersville Road housing project.

The Buffalo News, Oct. 1, "Inside UB" column reports Forbes magazine has ranked UB's School of Management 21st among 25 small business schools as a good investment; Fred Dansereau, professor of organizations and human resources, has been named a fellow of the American Psychological Society, and an exhibit of works by Joseph Norman is on display in the Anderson Gallery.

Business First, Oct. 29, article on Western New York's efforts to aid victims of the Sept. 11 attacks reports the School of Social Work has developed a Web site that offers online information and resources for those who are having personal difficulty coping with the attack and its aftermath.

Business First, Oct. 29, article reports The Center for Industrial Effectiveness has assisted three local companies and one municipality in receiving $46,000 in training grants from the State Department of Labor, and the Law School has named Lucinda Finley the first Frank G. Raichle Professor of Law and Appellate Advocacy.

Business First, Oct. 29, article reports enrollment figures for Western New York's colleges and universities.

Business First, Oct. 29, article on the impact the Sept. 11 attack has had on local college overseas programs quotes Sandra Flash, director of study abroad programs.

Business First, Oct. 22, article reports four UB honor students have received 43x79 Build Buffalo Scholarships.

Business First, Oct. 22, article reports a higher percentage of UB undergraduate accounting students passed all or part of the May 2000 CPA exam than did students from any other college or university in New York State.

Business First, Oct. 22, article reports the UB Law School has opened a courtroom in O'Brian Hall where students will be able to sit in on actual cases filed with state courts, and quotes Nils Olsen.

Business First, Oct. 22, article reports enrollment is up 40 percent in the School of Management for the Fall 2001 semester.

Business First, Oct. 15, article reports engineers from the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research received a $100,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to study how earthquake-engineering techniques can help building better withstand terrorist attacks.

Business First, Oct. 15, article reports UB and Upstate New York Transplant Services will begin a three-year awareness project to teach legal professionals how to educate their clients on organ and tissue donation.

Business First, Oct. 15, article reports UB's Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) has awarded grants to support training and technical projects to six companies.

Business First. Oct. 15, article on the trend toward people doing their own home repairs quotes Arun Jain, chair of marketing and Samuel P. Capen Professor of Marketing Research.

Business First, Oct. 15, article reports Robert Genco has been named head of the new Office of Science, Technology Transfer and Economic Research, and quotes Provost Capaldi.

Business First, Oct. 8, article announces that UB will sponsor the international forum "Digital Frontier: The Buffalo Summit 2001" in November. Jaylan Turkkan commented that UB is deeply involved in digital arts, computer and information technology research.

Business First, Oct. 8, article reports that Yahoo! Internet Life magazine has ranked UB as the 10th most wired university in the nation, and quotes Voldemar Innus.

Business First, Oct. 8, article reports that UB has established an engineering design research center that utilizes virtual reality and scientific visualization. Christina Bloebaum has been appointed director of the center.

Business First, Oct. 8, article discusses airline security, which Colin Drury, UB professor and panel member at the FAA, believes should be the responsibility of the federal government.

Business First, Oct. 8, article reports the School of Management is ranked 21st among the nation's small business schools by Forbes.

Business First, Oct. 1, article reports that UB's Environment and Society Institute will present "Leaning Sustainability -- Achieving Environment, Economic and Social Well Being" at the Buffalo Convention Center, as part of a three-day conference.

Business First, Oct. 1, article reports on Buffalo China, a successful glassware company and subsidiary of Oneida, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary. Arun Jain discusses the importance and advantage of brand name recognition.

Amherst Bee, Oct. 31, article reports that Frank J. McGuire, chairman of the McGuire Group, has been named 2001 "Niagara Frontier Executive of the Year" by the UB School of Management.

Amherst Bee, Oct. 24, article announces that UB will sponsor the international forum "Digital Frontier: The Buffalo Summit 2001" in November.

Amherst Bee, Oct. 24, article reports that the Law School has become the only law school in the country to house a fully functioning state court.

Amherst Bee, Oct. 17, article announces that UB professors James Atleson, Sebastian Ciancio and Roger Mayne have been named Distinguished Professors by the SUNY Board of Trustees.

Amherst Bee, Oct. 10, article interviews Deborah Waldrop, assistant professor at UB, who was director of social work at an Oklahoma City hospital at the time of the attack on the Murrah Federal Building. She discusses the physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioral affect that catastrophic events have on emergency workers.

Amherst Bee, Oct. 3, article reports that Yahoo! Internet Life magazine has ranked UB as the 10th most wired university in the nation.



WBFO Radio

Interview with Arun Jain on the possible holiday shopping slump.

President Greiner wants UB to be an East Coast model for Midwestern Land Grant Universities.

Interview with Mark Gottdiener on a survey that shows that most New Yorkers think the World Trade Center should be rebuilt.

UB will be the lead clinical trial research facility for a study on the link between gum disease and second heart attacks.

WBEN Radio

Interview with Erick Duchesne regarding the attack on Afghanistan.

Story on anthrax includes interview with Murray Stinson, professor of microbiology.

Report regarding Andrew Whittaker's Sept. 21-23 trip to the World Trade Center to observe structural damage.

Jim Holmes comments on the possible additional interest rate cuts.

Story on rebuilding the World Trade Center after the terrorist attack.


Story on a contest that gave people across the world the opportunity to finish a story begun by Mark Twain notes the first round of judges in the contest was a group from UB.

Student and faculty met in O'Brian Hall for a forum on terrorism.

Interview with Robert Genco on a $7 million grant the university has received to study the link between gum disease and second heart attacks.

UB has received a $7 million grant to conduct research into the link between gum disease and second heart attacks.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

Story on local vigilance over terrorist threats includes interview with Claude Welch, SUNY Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Political Science.

Results of the UB football game against Eastern Michigan.

Story reports on a three-day forum held on the South Campus to discuss plans for the Buffalo medical corridor.

Results of the Bulls' football game against Kent State.

Preview of the UB-Kent State football game includes interview with Derrick Gordon.

Segment looks at the opening of the new UB Law Courtroom.

Preview of the upcoming football game against Kent State.

Coverage of UB's Homecoming football game against Marshall.

Story reports on the beginning Homecoming and Family Weekend at UB.

UB students and faculty held a prayer vigil in the Student Union marking the one-month anniversary of the terrorist attacks.

Segment looking at the loss of innocence for many young people in the wake of the terrorist attacks includes interviews with UB students Elizabeth Mullen, Tom Dzimira and Glenn Erny.

Segment on local Arab reaction to the bombings in Afghanistan includes interview with students Shabana Jaffri, Wedade Abdallah and Luciano DiPeitro.

Results of the UB football game against Miami.

Coverage of a performance by Tap Dogs in the Center for the Arts.

UB will study how periodontal disease may be a risk for heart disease.

UB civil engineers, including Michel Bruneau, discuss skyscraper safety following a trip to ground zero.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

Segment on local laboratories that are capable of testing for anthrax includes interview with Kenneth Tramposch, associate vice president for research.

Story on UB students who are collecting cans so they can donate money to the terrorist attack victims includes interview with student Katie Monin.

Story on how technology available at the Center of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition could be used to detect anthrax in the mail includes interviews with Sargur Srihari, CEDAR director, and David Bartnik, CEDAR senior research scientist.

Former UB basketball coach Leonard Serfustini is inducted into the Greater Buffalo Sports Hall of Fame.

Results of the UB football game against Kent State.

UB plans to invest $500 million in its buildings.

Story reports anti-depressants may lower smokers' risk of heart attack and quotes Susan Graham, associate professor of clinical medicine.

Results of the UB football game against Marshall.

Story reports the NCAA has shortened the penalty against former men's basketball coach Tim Cohane.

Coach Jim Hofher discusses the Bulls football game against Miami.

Segment looks at a speech by conservationist Jane Goodall's at UB.

Segment looks at UB's "Survivor" contest held as part of Homecoming and Spirit Week activities.

"Why Guy" Kevin O'Neill takes a look at UB's Homecoming "Survivor" contest and interviews Rob Suglia, student relations coordinator for the Division of Athletics.

Interview with John Sellick, associate professor of clinical medicine, on weaponizing anthrax.

Story on the reaction of Middle Eastern students to the bombing in Afghanistan includes interviews with UB students Sabeen Ahmed and Amber Ahmed.

Interview with Faizan Haq, a lecturer in Cora P. Maloney College, on the United States' need for a long-range plan because countries like Pakistan are sticking their necks out for the U.S.

Segment on volunteers from UB hanging safety-reminder tags on doors in University Heights includes interview with Ellen Christensen.

Interview with Thomas Mahl, associate professor of clinical medicine, on diagnosing hepatitis C.

Interview with Michel Bruneau and students Paul Henning and Heather Kaufman on rebuilding the World Trade Center towers.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

Results of the football game against Eastern Michigan.

Interview with coach Jim Hofher on the upcoming game against Eastern Michigan.

Segment looks at the Crop Walk held on the UB Campus.

Results of the football game against Kent State.

Story reports UB students will be sleeping outside tonight and making sandwiches for the homeless.

Story looks at the new UB Law Courtroom.

Preview of the UB-Kent State football game.

Segment on students choosing to attend college closer to home includes interview with Regina Toomey, director of admissions.

Results of the UB-Marshall football game.

Interview with Murray Stinson on anthrax.

Preview of the game against Marshall includes interview with player Marquis Dwarte.

UB will hold a meeting to discuss terrorism.

Results of the UB football game against Miami.

UB faculty and students are hanging safety tags on doors throughout University Heights.

A grant to UB from the Department of Education is helping to put high-tech computers in classrooms for the visually impaired.

Interview with Andrew Whittaker, associate professor of civil engineering, on his visit to ground zero.

Robert Genco discusses periodontal disease and heart disease.

Andrew Whittaker discusses effort to make buildings stronger in the wake of the terrorist attacks.

WNLO-TV, Channel 23

Story on local labs capable of testing for anthrax includes interview with Kenneth Tramposch.

Story on using technology available at CEDAR to detect anthrax in the mail includes interviews with Sargur Srihari and David Bartnik.

Segment on a sexual violence meeting held in Delaware Park includes interview with Ellen Christensen, director of UB's Sexuality Education Center.

Story reports anti-depressants may lower smokers' risk of heart attack and quotes Susan Graham.

Carolyn Korsmeyer, professor of philosophy, has won the Mark Twain writing contest.

UB researchers, including Michel Bruneau, are studying how to build skyscrapers that can resist terrorist attack.

WPXJ-TV, Channel 19

Coverage of the Penn & Teller performance in the Center for the Arts.

Segment looks at the start of UB's Homecoming and Family Weekend festivities.

Conservationist Jane Goodall spoke at UB tonight.

Coverage of the Tap Dogs performance in the Center for the Arts.

Robert Creeley, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of Art and Samuel P. Capen of Poetry and the Humanities, has received a lifetime achievement award.

UB scientists, including Michel Bruneau, are studying how to make skyscrapers that are able to resist terrorist attacks.