Caution Urged After Two Robberies

By Arthur Page

Release Date: December 10, 2002 This content is archived.


Members of the university community are being urged to be cautious following two robberies involving students on or near the North Campus during the past week.

In both incidents, two black males in their early 20s, both around 5'9" with a medium build, displayed a small or sawed-off shotgun and took student wallets and ATM pin numbers. The student victims were unharmed.

One incident occurred Thursday, Dec. 5, near the Flint entrance to the North Campus. The other occurred on Monday, Dec. 9, near the Governor's Residence Hall complex on the North Campus

Responding to the first incident, University Police warnings were distributed over the weekend in UB residence halls and apartments and facilities near the Flint entrance. Updated warnings were posted today in other areas of the campus, including bus shelters, food and dining areas, and the Student Union.

University Police are continuing their campus patrols and investigation.