Quotes from ISEP Partners

Release Date: October 12, 2011 This content is archived.


"Buffalo State is proud to extend its initiatives in science education through the Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Partnership. We look forward to giving 60 Buffalo middle school teachers new tools to enhance student learning through summer courses in the physics and technology of energy, and to expanding our summer science camps for Buffalo Public Schools students. We are pleased that the NSF grant will allow Buffalo State to work with the University at Buffalo, Buffalo Public Schools, the Buffalo Museum of Science and our supporting partners to strengthen the cradle-to-career education pipeline in the City of Buffalo."

-- Aaron Podolefsky, President, Buffalo State College

"We are so happy to be part of this partnership to demonstrate how informal science learning can support traditional classroom learning and STEM objectives. We are also confident that engaging the families of our students in fun and innovative activities will help promote more support for science literacy and learning."

-- Mark Mortenson, President and CEO, Buffalo Museum of Science

"As a supporting partner of the UB ISEP program, Hauptman-Woodward brings to the table long experience in hands-on internships for both high-school and college students. We are excited about extending our efforts to those who educate these students, and value deeply the inquiry-based approach to this effort espoused by the ISEP partnership."

-- Eaton Lattman, CEO, Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute

"Praxair believes industry has an important role to play in improving science and math education. Through our participation in the ISEP partnership, Praxair scientists and engineers are able to have a positive impact on Western New York students and teachers."

-- Larry Megan, R&D Fellow, Praxair Inc.

"UB is very proud to be a lead partner on this project. We see it as the perfect illustration of what is possible when our region's educators and scientists come together to create new opportunities for students."

-- Satish K. Tripathi, President, University at Buffalo

"A direct approach to teaching that is heavy on lectures is not very effective, because students do not develop motivation and interest in science. So there's a movement nationally and internationally to move away from that direct approach, and that's what ISEP is all about. Research has shown that to be an effective science teacher, you need to be strong not only in your subject domain, but also strong in how you present knowledge."

-- Xiufeng Liu, UB professor of learning and instruction; co-principal investigator, ISEP project

Media Contact Information

Charlotte Hsu is a former staff writer in University Communications. To contact UB's media relations staff, email ub-news@buffalo.edu or visit our list of current university media contacts.