Parks | Darrow | Hequembourg | Lisman | Muraven Researchers studied non-medical prescription drug use among college students and assessed what types of drugs are being used, why they are being used and the consequences.
Parks | Testa | Dearing | Hequembourg Researchers developed short video clips of potential assault scenarios to help women better understand the nonverbal cues that could indicate the risk of sexual assault.
Richards | Epstein This pilot study examined whether nicotine can reduce the reinforcing value of food and increase the value of using alternatives to food in smoking cessation.
Richards | Lucke | Meyer Researchers will explore the link between addiction and various behaviors, such as response to novelty, sustained attention, reaction time and preferences for rewards.
Rychtarik | McGillicuddy Researchers evaluated different group-based interventions to reduce the physical, psychological and relationship stress felt by women with alcoholic partners.