Translational Pilot Studies Banner.

Application Process


Understand the seven steps of the CTSI Translational Pilot Studies Program application process.

1) RFP 2) LOIs 3) Proposals 4) Review 5) Funding 6) Prior Approval 7) Account and Tracking

Requirements of Every Pilot Study PI

  • Attend onboarding session regarding requirements associated with funding and award. The PI must attend before funds will be released and before the project will begin. 
  • All pilot studies will receive a Research Foundation (RF) Project-Task-Award (PTA) number upon account setup. For any study PIs at Roswell, a subaward agreement will be obtained by UB’s Sponsored Projects Services office.
  • Submit quarterly progress reports on the status of the budget and the aims using the form that will be provided.
  • Submit, twice yearly, progress reports on the study results (including papers, grants, presentations, patents, etc.) following project end date, at least for five years.
  • Present findings at the annual CTSI Pilot Studies Colloquium.
  • If called upon, serve as reviewer of proposals submitted for pilot studies funding either by UB faculty or in exchange of reviewers with other CTSA institutions. 
  • All pilot studies will receive a monthly expenditure report to ensure funds do not get overspent and that all costs follow the Uniform Guidance Cost Principles and are allowable, reasonable, allocable, and consistent.

Awarded Pilot Projects

  • All investigators are encouraged to submit findings to an academic peer-reviewed journal or discipline-specific publication within two years of the pilot project end date.
  • All investigators are encouraged to apply for funding at the next level, including NIH R01, PCORI, NSF or comparable grant, including one of the NCATS/CTSA Program funding mechanisms or similar funding sources within two years of the pilot project end date.