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Community Engagement Studios

The importance of community engagement to effective research cannot be overstated. This is one reason why the Community Engagement team at UB’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) advocates the use of the Community Engagement Studio model developed by the Meharry-Vanderbilt Community-Engaged Research Core. This unique method features direct input from participating stakeholders to better inform research design and dissemination. It uses a structured approach to bring researchers and members of the community together, face-to-face (or virtually), for a bidirectional conversation around research studies.

What are Community Engagement Studios?

A Community Engagement Studio is a consultative model that allows researchers to receive direct input from the community on the development, implementation, and/or dissemination of a research project. The studio model creates a framework for stakeholders (or community experts) to provide immediate feedback to the researcher on specific areas of concern.

The studio model is:

  • A one-time consultation
  • A method to directly inform research in Buffalo/Western New York
  • Bidirectional

The studio model is NOT:

  • A standing advisory board
  • A tool for recruiting research participants
  • A tool for data collection such as a focus group
  • Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR)

How does the studio model strengthen research?  In a CTSI article, CTSI Community Engagement Core Director Laurene Tumiel-Berhalter, PhD, explained that studio sessions "make our research more relevant, while acknowledging the unique contributions and experiences of members of the community.” Rebecca Ashare, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences, a 2023 CTSI Community Partnership Development Seed Grant Program Award Academic Co-lead, says she highly recommends the sessions to researchers. “Without the studios, we would have conducted individual interviews, as originally proposed — and we likely would have missed a lot of valuable information,” she explains. “We now have a better idea of the types of questions we should ask and there are several questions we would not have thought to ask without the input from the community experts.” See photos from a past studio session here.

What are the logistics and costs? The CTSI Community Engagement Core budgets for a limited number of CE Studios at no cost to the researcher on a first-come, first-served basis. After the budgeted number of studio sessions are completed, there is a cost associated with the Community Engagement Studios to pay for planning, facilitators, and community experts. Contact the Community Engagement team for a quote for your specific study.