
PCORI Workshop Series: The A, B, Cs of PCORI Funding and the Review Process

Monday, October 7, 2024
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Douglas Landsittel, PhD, Chair - Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health and Health Professions, University at Buffalo
UB Clinical and Translational Science Institute Workforce Development Core, K Scholar Mentored Career Development Award Program, Community Engagement Core

PCORI is the leading funder of patient-centered CER, and many of their program funding announcements (PFAs) support very large studies with up to $22 million for Phased Large Awards applications. Applicants need to understand however that PCORI has very different expectations for funding as compared to NIH, NSF and other funding institutes. As a few examples, 1) PCORI funds contracts (not grants) with very specific milestones that need to be met for funding, 2) applications need to show evidence of prior engagement of patients and stakeholders in driving the research question and outcomes, and 3) each application is reviewed by 5 reviewers (that include 3 scientists, a patient and a stakeholder from the healthcare or related industry) and multiple readers who are typically from very diverse disciplines.

Learning Objectives:
1. Describe differences between the PCORI and NIH review process and funding mechanisms.
2. Identify characteristics of successful PCORI applications.


For more information, contact:

Catherine Sedota
Phone: 7168449282