Translational Teamwork Micro-credential

The Translational Teamwork Micro-credential helps learners acquire critical teamwork strategies and tools to increase productivity and collaboration in teams. A prior knowledge/building background component helps learners reflect on what makes effective and ineffective teams. Workforce Development Core Competency Workshop videos assist learners in completing case study and reflection assignments to strengthen their ability to successfully work in teams. This micro-credential will improve learners’ teamwork, team leadership, and collaboration, and their ability for successful research to improve health outcomes, patient safety, innovation and entrepreneurship. 

Curriculum — Videos:

Request and watch Translational Teamwork videos (based on content selected to complete case studies) from past Core Competency Workshop Series from the CTSI Education Workforce Specialist. Teamwork topics and workshop videos that correspond to specific teamwork skills are:

Communication: Choose one of the following videos:

  • Integrating Community Partners into Research Teams (presented by Laurene Tumiel-Berhalter, PhD)
  • Training and Dynamics in Clinical Teams (presented by Joseph Gambacorta, DDS, MPH, and Kelly Foltz-Ramos, PhD, RN)    

Conflict Resolution: Teamwork in Research: Storming and Performing (presented by Katia Noyes, PhD, MPH)

Psychological Safety and Trust: Choose one of the following videos:

  • Integrating Community Partners into Research Teams (presented by Laurene Tumiel-Berhalter, PhD)
  • Training and Dynamics in Clinical Teams (presented by Joseph Gambacorta, DDS, MPH, and Kelly Foltz-Ramos, PhD, RN)   

Team Formation: Teamwork in Research: Storming and Performing (presented by Katia Noyes, PhD, MPH)

Vision: Leading a Successful Research Team (presented by Gabriela Popescu, PhD)

Curriculum — Assignments:

Written Assignment — Activating Prior Knowledge/Building Background Tasks 1 and 2:

  • Select and watch a short video on teamwork skills. Identify and describe effective and ineffective teamwork practices in the selected video.
  • Identify a teamwork concept or tool that one has used or would like to use and explain the rationale. Do the same with a concept or tool one is hesitant to use.

For more information and to access videos, contact Education Workforce Specialist Catherine Sedota, MS, at