Graphic Design Help Needed for a New Fad Diet Designed by Students

Poster with words "Design the next Fad Diet! Student in PUB 440 will be designing a fad diet. We need help with Graphic Design.".

Do you want to help students design the next fad diet? 

Project description

This project takes place within an undergraduate course, PUB 440: Public Health Nutrition in the Spring 2023 semester. For the first half of the semester, groups of students will be designing their own fad diet and the graphics and logos to go along with it. I would like help from a graphic design student to provide tips and support to the students during this phase. At the halfway point of the semester, the fad diet that gets the most votes will become the whole class's project, and I will need support from a graphic design student to help make the graphics and logos professional quality look professional. We may also be designing a website for the fad diet, so we may need help with that as well. This project will help the students understand what goes into designing a fad diet. We will have lectures from communications and marketing departments in the first half of the semester. The overall goal of the project is to develop an eye catching fad diet logo and description that contains USDA dietary advice and recommendations. You could even consider it a re-branding of something like MyPlate. 

Project outcome

We will reveal the final product on the last day of classes. Also, I will be putting a talk together for an educational conference in the future and the talk will be a walk through of this project and it's final product. The final product is graphics and images for a fad diet designed by students with the help of a graphic design student. 

Project details

Timing, eligibility and other details
Length of commitment About 3-5 months
Start time Spring (January/February)
In-person, remote, or hybrid? Hybrid
Level of collaboration Individual student project
Benefits Academic credit
Who is eligible All undergraduate students 

Project mentor

Adam Graczyk

Clinical Assistant Professor

Community Health and Health Behavior

Phone: (484) 223-9238


Start the project

  1. Email the project mentor using the contact information above to express your interest and get approval to work on the project. (Here are helpful tips on how to contact a project mentor.)
  2. After you receive approval from the mentor to start this project, click the button to start the digital badge. (Learn more about ELN's digital badge options.) 

Preparation activities

Once you begin the digital badge series, you will have access to all the necessary activities and instructions. Your mentor has indicated they would like you to also complete the specific preparation activities below. Please reference this when you get to Step 2 of the Preparation Phase. 

  1. Please familiarize yourself with the graphics/logos of the following diets:
    South Beach Diet
    Keto Diet
    Paleo Diet
  2. Please familiarize yourself with the main ideas of health communication:


graphic design, health communication, nutrition , community health and health behavior