The Faculty for the Future Fellowship awards fellowships for advanced research in STEM at leading research institutes abroad. Faculty for the Future Fellows are expected to return to their home countries upon completion of their studies to contribute to the economic, social and technological advancement of their home regions by strengthening the STEM teaching and research faculties of their home institutions as well as through their leadership in science-based entrepreneurship. They are also expected to contribute to the public sector where their newly acquired technical and scientific skills can help provide evidence-based support for STEM policy making, including topics of gender representation.
The program’s long-term goal is to accelerate gender equality in STEM by generating conditions that result in more women pursuing scientific careers through alleviating some of the barriers they encounter when enrolling in STEM disciplines.
Apply on the Schlumberger Foundation website.
You must coordinate with UB's Sponsored Project Services (SPS) for this award. We recommend contacting your SPS Representative at least two weeks in advance of the deadline to complete any necessary submission procedures.