1. Share what you have learned with others. One way is to talk to your family and friends about what you have learned. Help break down the often-held belief that there is nothing we can do to change the long-term care system.
2. Visit nursing homes in your community to get a sense of whether they are practicing person-directed care. Use the "Key Questions to Ask Staff in Nursing Homes to Find Out If They Provide Person-Directed Care." Download pdf If a nursing home is unfamiliar with culture change, you might share what you have learned and discovered. Click here Download pdf to view "What is Culture Change."
3. Talk to your family about your wishes related to housing and assistance. Fill out the form "My Personal Directions for Quality Living" on TheNational Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care website, and share it with your loved ones.
4. Get together to participate in a meeting to discuss better care options. Don’t wait until a crisis arises.
5. Become a part of your state or local culture change coalition to help bring about change in long-term care settings in your area. Click here to find a coalition near you.
6. Determine if your state has a Citizens Advocacy Group (CAG) and consider learning more about it or possibly joining. Visit www.theconsumervoice.org to find a CAG in your state.
7. Suggest "Old Age in a New Age: The Promise of Transformative Nursing Homes" Download pdf by Beth Barker to your book group or other group. Download the Discussion Guide to get the conversation going.
8. Join our e-mail list so we can keep you informed of culture change news.
9. Join the UB Institute for Person-Centered Care Facebook page here.
10. Post our website on your Facebook page or other social network: http://www.buffalo.edu/ipcc