Seven schools with graduate programs in STEM fields form the iSEED.
The College of Arts and Sciences is the largest and most comprehensive of UB's academic units, bringing together the humanities the arts and the sciences to provide a truly comprehensive education.
Among the top Dental Schoold in the country, the School of Dental Medicine is known for the quality of its DDS and postgraduate programs and its long history of leadership in oral biology research.
The school of Engineering and Applied Sciences is the largest and most comprehensive public school of engineering in New York State, offering bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in seven departments.
iSeed Steering Committee Co-Chair; Associate Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
Founded in 1846, The School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences is the founding faculty of the university and one of the oldest medical schools in the United States.
The School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is SUNY's only Pharmacy school. It has one of the world's top grsduate programs in pharmaceutical sciences, and a professionsl PharmD program in the top quartile nationally.
Accredited byt the Council on Education for Public Health, The School of Public Health and Health Professions offers professional, master's and PhD degrees, and a bachelor's degree in excercise science.
Associate Dean for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Director of Graduate Studies, Associate Professor
Department of Community Health and Health Behavior
The School of Nursing has the greatest breadth of academic programming among nursing schools in New York State, offering baccalaureate certificate and master's degree programs, along with two doctorates.