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Clayton Masterman

Associate Professor of Law 
University at Buffalo College of Arts and Sciences


Health law, tort law, benefit-cost analysis, damages and other remedies, law and economics

Portrait of Clayton Masterman.

Clayton Masterman’s is an expert on tort law, health care law, benefit-cost analysis (particularly of the economic value of fatal and non-fatal injury risks), damages and remedies, and law and economics.

He can speak to the media about these related topics, including products liability law, public health litigation, opioid regulation, and damages in related cases. Prior to joining the faculty, Masterman was an associate at Kellogg, Hansen, Todd, Figel & Frederick LLP in Washington, D.C., where his practice included litigation related to administrative law, antitrust law, and intellectual property law. 

His research examines the appropriate role of courts and administrative agencies in regulating risks to public health from an empirical law and economics perspective. His work evaluates the effectiveness of legal responses to public health risks and investigates the methods that legal institutions use to value risk.  


Clayton Masterman, JD, PhD
Associate Professor of Law
University at Buffalo School of Law