Media Advisories

News about upcoming UB events that may be of interest to the media.

  • Media Advisory: UB Law Professor and Student to Submit a Legislative Redistricting Plan Today on Courthouse Steps
    University at Buffalo Law School Professor Michael Halberstam and law student Patrick Fitzgerald will submit their legislative redistricting plan for Erie County at 10 a.m. today (May 6, 2011) at a press conference on the front steps of the Old Erie County Courthouse, 92 Franklin St., in downtown Buffalo.
  • Media Advisory: U.S. Attorney Hochul to Address UB Law School Students
    U.S. Attorney William J. Hochul Jr. will speak to University at Buffalo Law School students at 5 p.m. today (Tuesday, May 3, 2011) in the Cellino and Barnes Conference Center, 511 O'Brian Hall on UB's North Campus.
  • Media Advisory: Media Study Students Design Awesome, Original, Digital, Animated -- Fresh Video Games You (Can) Play
    The public is invited to come on down and play new video games designed and produced by students in the University at Buffalo Department of Media Study, from 6-9 p.m. May 2 in 242 and 278 Center for the Arts, UB North Campus.
  • Media Advisory: Susan Dentzer to Tell UB's New Medical School Grads, "Congratulations. Now Please Go Reinvent U.S. Healthcare"
    Susan Dentzer, editor-in-chief of Health Affairs, and one of the nation's most respected health and health policy journalists, will be the honored speaker at the 165th commencement of the University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, which will be held April 29 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Center for the Arts on UB's North Campus.
  • Media Advisory: Ineffably Urban: Artists and Creative Thinkers Discuss Image and Identity of Buffalo in Art and Architecture
    How do artists, architects, activists, and scholars creatively engage with Buffalo and other cities in similar situations? What is the image, the identity they create for those cities? Artists and creative thinkers will address these questions on April 30 at Ineffably Urban, a daylong symposium organized at Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center by the University at Buffalo.
  • Media Advisory: Pioneering Biologist J. Craig Venter to Present Distinguished Speakers Lecture at UB
    Pioneering biologist J. Craig Venter will present the latest installment of the University at Buffalo's Distinguished Speakers Series with a lecture at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, April 27, in Alumni Arena on UB's North Campus.
  • Media Advisory: Pioneering Biologist J. Craig Venter to Present Distinguished Speakers Lecture at UB
    Pioneering biologist J. Craig Venter will present the latest installment of the University at Buffalo's Distinguished Speakers Series with a lecture at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, April 27, in Alumni Arena on UB's North Campus.
  • Media Advisory: UB to Celebrate Talent, Accomplishments of Its Faculty and Staff
    The University at Buffalo will recognize the work and achievements of its faculty and staff as part of the Celebration of Faculty and Staff Excellence to be held at 3:30 p.m. today (Thursday, April 21) in the Center for the Arts on the UB North Campus.
  • Media Advisory: UB Celebrates Earth Week 2011
    From Earth Pong to Mt. Trashmore to the annual appearance of the University at Buffalo's solar-powered smoothie cart, the UB community will be busy celebrating Earth Week in a variety of ways, leading up to Earth Day on Friday, April 22.
  • Media Advisory: UB Law Student to Testify at Hearing of Erie County Advisory Committee on Reapportionment
    A University at Buffalo Law School student will testify at a public hearing of the Erie County Advisory Committee on Reapportionment on federal and state constitutional and statutory requirements of redistricting. The hearing is being held April 13 from 5 - 7:30 p.m. on the ECC North Campus, 6205 Main St., Williamsville, in Kittinger Hall, K Building Lecture Hall, Room 100