
News for UB’s valued alumni/ae. (see all topics)

  • UB Executive MBA Ranked in Bloomberg Businessweek
    Bloomberg Businessweek has ranked the University at Buffalo School of Management as one of the nation's best business schools in its biennial ranking of Executive MBA (EMBA) programs.
  • Rick Perry's Tip-of-the-Tongue Gaffe -- What's It All About?
    Rick Perry's failure to retrieve the name of one of the federal agencies he would abolish if elected president, namely the Department of Energy, was most likely an example of a very common phenomenon called "Tip of the Tongue" phenomenon or "TOT," says a University at Buffalo psycholinguist.
  • Homes for 'Wounded Warriors' Designed with Help of UB Architect
    Architect Danise Levine of the University at Buffalo has completed design work with the Wounded Warrior Home Project, which will finish construction on two houses for wounded veterans today (Nov. 11) in Fort Belvoir, Va., that fit the unique physical and emotional needs of the soldiers who will move in. The dwellings are universally designed to be accessible to people of diverse abilities and ages.
  • Social Workers in Cyberspace: School of Social Work Pursues a Vision for the Profession's Digital Future
    From text messages to making appointments online to the mysterious avatar alter egos in Second Life, Nancy Smyth would like to see social workers comfortable with all the tools in cyberspace in order to do their real work -- making a difference in people's lives -- in a digital age.
  • 'I was an E-4.' Cutting Jargon from Resumes Helps Veterans Find Civilian Jobs, UB Career Counselor Says
    University at Buffalo career counselor Holly Justice is hosting a workshop Nov. 10 to help student veterans translate their military experience into resumes that will catch the attention of civilian companies. While veterans completing enlistments come home with valuable skills, finding work can be difficult if employers don't understand how responsibilities in Iraq and Afghanistan apply to civilian jobs, Justice says.
  • Ostrov Brings Research-based Advice on Bullying to Preschoolers and Big Bird
    University at Buffalo Associate Professor of Psychology Jamie M. Ostrov's work on understanding the development of bullying behavior in pre-school children has won him some influential admirers and boosters: Big Bird and his furry friends.
  • UB Student Wins Competitive SUNY Award
    University at Buffalo senior Kristina Blank -- described by her university advisers as "an example of what we hope a UB student should and could be" -- has won the highly selective State University of New York Association of Council Members and College Trustees Excellence and Student Initiative Scholarship.
  • Financial Times Ranks UB School of Management's Executive MBA Program as One of World's Best
    The University at Buffalo School of Management's Executive MBA (EMBA) program has been ranked as one of best in the world by the Financial Times.
  • Humanities Institute Scholar Session Honors Bruce Jackson
    Acclaimed folklorist, documentary filmmaker and photographer Bruce Jackson will be honored at the 2011 Scholar Session presented by the University at Buffalo's Humanities Institute on Nov. 4 at 7 p.m. in the Albright-Knox Art Gallery.
  • UB Students to Collect Non-perishables on Halloween for Food Bank of Western New York
    If you live in the neighborhoods around the University at Buffalo's North Campus, you may be hearing shouts of "Trick or Eat" this Halloween. But these are not your typical trick-or-treaters looking for candy. Underneath the costume will be a UB student asking for a donation of non-perishable food.