Environment and Sustainability

News about UB’s environmental programs and related sustainability initiatives. (see all topics)

  • UB Launches Master Planning Effort to Grow and Transform Campus Environment
    The effort to grow the University at Buffalo and dramatically transform its three campuses has taken a major step forward with the awarding of a master planning contract to a team of internationally renowned architectural, planning, landscape and design firms.
  • UB Center Will Research New Uses for New York State's Old Tires
    The University at Buffalo's Center for Integrated Waste Management has been awarded $1.8 million by Empire State Development to expand the use of recycled tires in construction applications through research and education as part of a program that is the state's most comprehensive effort yet to explore and establish new markets for used tires in civil-engineering applications.
  • Buffalo "City Girl" to Conduct Research in the Arctic
    Monica Ridgeway, a University at Buffalo undergraduate entering her senior year, knows that when people think of a scientist, they usually think of a white male in a lab coat; but not too far in the future, she hopes they will envision someone more like herself, a young African-American woman with a head full of braids who is curious about correlations between frozen mud and global warming.
  • Working with Inuit Community Is Part of Scientific Expedition
    Research on global warming is drawing scientists in increasing numbers to the world's polar regions. But as scientists make more journeys northward, some of them find that their mission now extends beyond the ice or sediment samples they will bring back to their labs to analyze.
  • Thousands of High School Students Hear Gore's Climate Change Message Friday
    Extraordinary: That's how University at Buffalo officials describe the response of area high schools to UB's invitation to hear former vice president and environmental activist Al Gore speak on what could be the defining issue of their generation: climate change.
  • Enviro Fair Will Showcase Green Solutions, Products Prior to Al Gore Lecture at UB
    Just about anything anybody needs to start "going green" -- from energy-efficient light bulbs to fast-growing trees -- will be exhibited at an Enviro Fair to be held at 6 p.m. on April 27 in the lobby of the Alumni Arena on the University at Buffalo's North (Amherst) Campus.
  • 'Watch Your Steps' Pervasive Game Aims to Lower Carbon Footprints
    In the name of raising environmental awareness, enterprising University at Buffalo students are turning their campus into a virtual -- and real -- playground this week as they conduct a final project for their class in "Pervasive Gaming," an emerging game genre in which virtual and real-life play come together.
  • Straw Greenhouse Rises on Buffalo's West Side
    Contrary to the unhappy experience of the first little pig, straw bale is a strong, cost-effective, exceptionally insulating, fire-resistant, sustainable, natural building system. University at Buffalo architecture students and community members -- cold, covered in mud and stuck with hay -- recently raised 130 50-pound "two-string" straw bales that will constitute the load-bearing walls of a community greenhouse on Buffalo's West Side.
  • Students Fight Global Warming One Light Bulb at a Time
    A light bulb exchange program that encourages students to trade in their old incandescent bulbs for energy-efficient compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) is reaping economic and environmental benefits for the University at Buffalo only months after the initial launch.
  • UB President Signs National Accord on Climate Commitment
    University at Buffalo President John B. Simpson has committed the university to taking a leadership role in fighting global warming by signing the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment.