Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • Blacks Have Highest Cancer Rates of All Racial Ethnicities, Yet Feel Less at Risk, Study Finds
    Mammograms, pap smears and early detection tests for prostate cancer, colorectal cancer and other malignancies are critical for catching cancer before it becomes deadly. However, a new study by University at Buffalo researchers shows that persons of different ethnic groups have different ideas and opinions about whether they are at risk for developing cancer -- perceptions that can influence whether they undergo screening.
  • Taxing Junk Food Could Stem Obesity Better Than Subsidizing Healthy Food, Study Shows
    One way to stem the rising rates of obesity may be to mimic the successful approach used to decrease smoking: taxes.
  • Introducing RoSS, a "Flight Simulator" for Robotic Surgery
    A collaboration between the Center for Robotic Surgery at Roswell Park Cancer Institute and the University at Buffalo's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences has produced one of the world's first simulators that closely approximates the "touch and feel" of the da Vinci robotic surgical system.
  • Hypnosis Can Help Control Pain Among Women with Metastatic Breast Cancer, UB Researcher Finds
    Hypnosis can help alleviate the pain and suffering experienced by women being treated for breast cancer, according to a study by a University at Buffalo School of Social Work professor.
  • First Blinded Study of Venous Insufficiency Prevalence in MS Shows Promising Results
    More than 55 percent of multiple sclerosis patients participating in the initial phase of the first randomized clinical study to determine if persons with MS exhibit narrowing of the extracranial veins, causing restriction of normal outflow of blood from the brain, were found to have the abnormality.
  • Silver Nanoparticles May One Day Be Key to Devices That Keep Hearts Beating Strong and Steady
    Diamonds and gold may make some hearts flutter on Valentine's Day, but in a University at Buffalo laboratory, silver nanoparticles are being designed to do just the opposite.
  • Blacks with MS Have More Severe Symptoms, Decline Faster than Whites, New Study Shows
    Fewer African Americans than Caucasians develop multiple sclerosis (MS), statistics show, but their disease progresses more rapidly, and they don't respond as well to therapies, a new study by neurology researchers at the University at Buffalo has found.
  • UB Biologists Discover Enzyme Degrades Protein that Suppresses or Promotes Cancer
    University at Buffalo biologists have identified an enzyme that degrades an important protein present in cancers of both adults and children. The findings, published in the current issue of Molecular Cell, could lead to more effective therapies for cancers in which the protein -- Wilms' tumor 1 (WT1) -- is involved, as well as to a better understanding of how childhood and adult cancers differ.
  • Dentists Are Willing to Screen Their Patients for Risk of Chronic Diseases, Survey Shows
    In the national effort to lower health care costs by preventing chronic disease and hospitalizations, dentists may be an important part of the solution. A nationwide survey published in the January 2010 issue of the JADA (The Journal of the American Dental Association) reports that dentists would be willing to screen their patients for medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases when they come to the office for dental care.
  • University in Riyadh Gives $300,000 to UB to Begin UB-Saudi Research Collaboration
    A University at Buffalo cancer researcher has received a $300,000 grant from King Saud University (KSU) to continue her work with a Saudi researcher on a vaccine for breast cancer.