Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • HPV, Periodontitis Work in Tandem to Increase Risk of Tongue Cancer
    Persons with periodontitis who also are infected with human papillomavirus (HPV) are at increased risk of developing tongue cancer, new research conducted at the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine has shown.
  • Corticosteroids Can Ease Recovery from Wisdom Tooth Surgery
    A new meta-analysis of oral surgery studies by researchers in the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine has found that corticosteroids lessen swelling and jaw stiffness significantly during post-surgery recovery, but have minimal effect on pain.
  • Writing for Friends and Family: The Interpersonal Nature of Blogs
    Bloggers who publicly broadcast highly personal information across the Internet are likely to be self-disclosing extraverts who use personal blogs to strengthen and enhance their already large networks of strong social ties, according to a study co-authored by a University at Buffalo researcher.
  • Specific Bacterium Found in 100 Percent of Halitosis Patients
    Oral biologists at the University at Buffalo have confirmed that a bacterium known as Solobacterium moorei is directly associated with chronic bad breath, or halitosis.
  • Pediatric MS Causes More Deficits than other Myelin Disorders
    In the first comparison of children with MS with those diagnosed with conditions called monophasic demyelinating disorders, University at Buffalo researchers have shown that children with MS have greater social and cognitive deficits and that the specific cognitive areas affected are similar to those found in adult MS patients.
  • Stem Cells from Hair Follicles May Help "Grow" New Blood Vessels
    For a rich source of stem cells to be engineered into new blood vessels or skin tissue, clinicians may one day look no further than the hair on their patients' heads, according to new research published earlier this month by University at Buffalo engineers.
  • RIA to Sponsor Lecture Series on Addictions-Related Topics
    The University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) will present a spring seminar series featuring national experts discussing addictions-related topics beginning in April.
  • Obese ICU Patients Have Lower Mortality But Longer ICU Stays
    Obese intensive care patients do not have a higher ICU death rate than non-obese ICU patients, but they remain in the ICU significantly longer and are intubated significantly longer than non-obese patients, a new study has found.
  • Master's Degree Program in Rehabilitation Counseling Offered Online
    A new University at Buffalo online master's degree program in rehabilitation counseling combines the practical advantage of outstanding job prospects with the opportunity to make a lasting difference in people's lives. The new program is the first counseling program at the university to be offered completely online, allowing UB staff to aim for non-traditional students throughout the state, country and the world.
  • Grant Expands UB/NYU Study of Nurses' Work Decisions
    Keeping newly licensed nurses working in the profession is critical to solving the chronic nursing shortage experienced across the U.S., an issue nursing researchers at the University at Buffalo and New York University have been studying since 2005.