Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • Students Honored at UB Medical School Commencement
    Fifty-five graduates of the University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences received awards at the school's recent commencement ceremony.
  • Newspaper Articles on Organ Transplantation Mostly Positive, Study Shows
    A content analysis of newspaper stories about organ and tissue donation, conducted by researchers at the University at Buffalo, found an almost 4:1 ratio of positive-to-negative articles on the subject.
  • UB CAT Supports Researchers' Collaboration with Industry
    The UB Center for Advanced Biomedical and Bioengineering Technology (UB CAT) is funding University at Buffalo researchers working with 13 life sciences companies and organizations in Buffalo Niagara as part of $1 million in annual support provided by the New York State Foundation for Science, Technology and Innovation (NYSTAR) to the UB CAT.
  • UB Receives National Honor for Strides for Female Student-Athletes
    The University at Buffalo has been recognized by the Women's Sports Foundation as one of four "standout" colleges and universities in the nation for making significant strides in providing equitable athletic opportunities for its female student-athletes.
  • 'The Sopranos' Ranks among Best in TV History, Says Pop-Culture Expert
    The final fate of America's favorite mob boss remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: When the last episode of "The Sopranos" airs June 10, the show will go down in American television history as one of the all-time greats, according to University at Buffalo pop-culture expert Elayne Rapping.
  • Moderate Drinking Lowers Women's Risk of Heart Attack
    Women who regularly enjoy an alcoholic drink or two have a significantly lower risk of having a non-fatal heart attack than women who are life-time abstainers, epidemiologists at the University at Buffalo have shown.
  • Buffalo "City Girl" to Conduct Research in the Arctic
    Monica Ridgeway, a University at Buffalo undergraduate entering her senior year, knows that when people think of a scientist, they usually think of a white male in a lab coat; but not too far in the future, she hopes they will envision someone more like herself, a young African-American woman with a head full of braids who is curious about correlations between frozen mud and global warming.
  • Cahn Essay Featured in New Book
    "Feminist Waves, Feminist Generations: Life Stories From the Academy" (Kilden: Oslo, 2007) features an essay contributed by Susan K. Cahn, associate professor in the Department of History, University at Buffalo College of Arts and Sciences.
  • New Study Examines 'Brain's Own Marijuana'
    A researcher at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) is investigating the "brain's own marijuana" -- called endocannabinoid -- in the regulation of stress, stress-related behavior and anxiety.
  • Effect on Breast Tumors of DNA Alternations in 3 Genes Described
    Cancer epidemiologists at the University at Buffalo have identified specific genes that are most likely to become cancer promoters when exposed to a process called DNA promoter hypermethylation.