Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • Study Describes Action of Estrogen in Protecting Bone
    Researchers at the University at Buffalo have described a novel pathway by which estradiol, the primary estrogen in humans, aids in maintaining bone density, a function critical to avoiding osteoporosis.
  • North Carolina Company to Relocate to UB's Center Of Excellence
    Medcotek, Inc., a North Carolina medical-technology company, is relocating to the New York State Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences as the result of a strategic partnership between local companies Buffalo BioSciences and E-Capital Financing.
  • 18% of Young Women Experience Sexual Victimization
    Sexual victimization can mean several things -- verbal coercion to have sex with an intimate partner, rape by a stranger, a woman fondled in a bar or forced intercourse when a woman is too intoxicated to consent or object. Researchers at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions report that 18 percent of young women recruited into a study experienced sexual victimization in a two-year period.
  • Quite a Story to Tell: The Remarkable World of Women Athletes
    There has been a spectacular transformation in women's athletics in the United States over the past century, particularly in the 33 years since the passage of Title IX. When it comes to self-congratulation, however, Susan K. Cahn, Ph.D., associate professor of history at the University at Buffalo and one of the country's top scholars of women's sports history, says, "Not so fast."
  • UB Medical Students to Hold Health Fair
    The UB chapter of the Student National Medical Association will sponsor a health fair to increase community awareness about a wide range of health issues from noon to 4 p.m. March 18 in the Buffalo Museum of Sciences. It will be free an dopen to the public.
  • UB's Role in WNY Health Care to be Topic of Presentation
    The role of the University at Buffalo in the future of health care in Western New York will be the topic of the next "UB at Noon -- Downtown" presentation at 11:30 a.m. March 29 in Chef's restaurant, 291 Seneca St., Buffalo.
  • UB, JCC Sign Dual Admission Program Agreement
    The University at Buffalo and Jamestown Community College have signed a new dual admission program agreement designed to assist the transfer experience and increase the number of students transferring to UB with completed JCC associate degrees that include prerequisites for parallel degree programs at UB.
  • Anderson to Step Down as UB Pharmacy Dean
    Wayne K. Anderson, dean of the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University at Buffalo, has announced he is stepping down as dean after nearly 10 years in the position and returning to the faculty as a researcher and educator.
  • Study to Look at Aspirin as Aid to Conception, Healthy Pregnancy
    Researchers at the University at Buffalo and the University of Utah are beginning a clinical trial to test whether aspirin can improve a woman's chances of becoming pregnant and of maintaining a pregnancy to term.
  • CCR Increases Computing Power, Interactions with Researchers
    Over the past year, the University at Buffalo's Center for Computational Research has quadrupled computing power, upgraded its high-performance storage system and installed a new state-of-the-art visualization room. If that wasn't enough, it also moved its entire infrastructure, including a 2,000-processor supercomputer, from the university's North Campus into UB's New York State Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences on the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus in downtown Buffalo.