Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • UB Nursing Students Receive Awards at Commencement
    Eleven students in the University at Buffalo School of Nursing received awards and scholarships at the school's recent commencement ceremony.
  • Adult Stem Cell Research at UB Targets Damaged Hearts
    A specialist in stem cell biology at the University at Buffalo has received a $1.98 million grant from National Institutes of Health to investigate the potential of bone marrow-derived adult stem cells to treat the serious heart malfunction known as hibernating myocardium.
  • Canty to Head UB's New Cardiovascular Medicine Division
    John M. Canty, Jr., M.D., Albert and Elizabeth Rekate Professor of Medicine, has been named chief of the new Division of Cardiovascular Medicine in the Department of Medicine in the University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.
  • Magnetic Field Acts as "Remote Control" to Deliver Nanomedicine
    A nanoparticle-based drug delivery concept in which an applied magnetic field directs the accumulation in tumor cells of custom-designed, drug-filled nanocarriers has been demonstrated by University at Buffalo researchers.
  • UB Scientist Publishes First Human Microbiome Analysis
    Researchers have completed the first analysis of the genes of a community of human microbes, an accomplishment that has far-reaching implications for clinical diagnosis and treatment of many human diseases.
  • June 6 Focuses Attention on "666" Superstitions
    The number 666 -- the "number of the beast," according to the Book of Revelation -- conjures devilish images for many, so forecasts of evil, even doom, are rampant regarding dates or places where the number occurs, including next Tuesday, June 6, or 6-6-06.
  • Policies on Wellness Impact Employee Health, Bottom Line
    Start-up data from an innovative $1 million demonstration project being conducted in Western New York suggests that if the organization you work for is concerned with wellness, it may affect how healthy you are.
  • Symposium to Examine "Frontiers in Biological Systems"
    A science and industry symposium featuring world renowned researchers in the fields of genomics, neuroscience and biomedical informatics will be held June 13-15 in conjunction with the grand opening of the New York State Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences, a major research center of the University at Buffalo.
  • $5.8 Million Funds 2 New Studies on Best Treatments for ADHD
    William E. Pelham, Jr., Ph.D., professor of psychology, pediatrics and psychiatry at the University at Buffalo and one of the leading experts in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, has received a total of $5.8 million to begin two new studies of treatment approaches for the condition.
  • Study Suggests Tension Headache May Actually Be TMJD
    People whose recurrent headaches have been diagnosed as tension-related actually may be suffering from temporomandibular muscle and joint disorder, or TMJD, a study headed by a researcher from the University at Buffalo's School of Dental Medicine has shown.