Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • Surgery for Child Apnea Leads to Weight Gain
    A study by a University at Buffalo pediatric researcher investigating the causes of weight gain in children after they have their tonsils and adenoids removed to treat sleep-disordered breathing has shown that removing these tissues results in less fidgeting and other non-exercise motor activity.
  • Architects Help Solve Dental-Education Challenge
    In an unusual collaboration, a professor in the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine has joined forces with faculty members in UB's School of Architecture and Planning to develop a high-tech teaching tool to assist in the education of dental students and patients.
  • Calcium, Vitamin D Don't Prevent Colorectal Cancer
    Daily calcium and vitamin D supplements do not lower the risk of colorectal cancer in postmenopausal women as previous studies had suggested, results of the national Women's Health Initiative (WHI) clinical trial have shown.
  • Pharmacy School, Pfizer Create Strategic Alliance
    The University at Buffalo's School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences today announced a strategic alliance with Pfizer, Inc., that will provide up to $7.5 million to develop at UB a Center of Excellence in Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics and to support training and research in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
  • Diet Study Shows Little Effect on Disease in Women
    The nearly decade-long dietary modification trial of the national Women's Health Initiative(WHI), which tested the effect of a diet low in total fat and high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, showed that that diet had no statistically significant effect on rates of breast cancer, colon cancer, heart disease and stroke.
  • UB Receives $3.3 Million to Study Causes of Facial, Jaw Pain
    The School of Dental Medicine at the University at Buffalo has received $3.3 million to participate in the first large-scale prospective clinical study of risk factors that contribute to the development of temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders.
  • 'Fortune 500' Program Designs Next-Generation Products
    From automatic jar openers to remote controls for washer and dryers, a new program at the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Technology Transfer at the University at Buffalo is helping major corporations produce next-generation consumer products that are "more usable and accessible to all," including persons with disabilities and the elderly.
  • UB's JNI to Establish Pediatric MS Center
    The Jacobs Neurological Institute of the University at Buffalo has received a $1.8 million, five-year grant from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society to establish at Women & Children's Hospital of Buffalo one of six Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Centers of Excellence that it is creating in the United States.
  • Media Artist Carries Suicide into Public Realm
    It is estimated that one person in the United States commits suicide every 17 minutes. Three years ago, one of them was Anthony Barr, the 20-year-old brother of media artist Chris Barr, a student in the Department of Media Study at the University at Buffalo, who has produced a unique performance piece and video blog titled "17 Minutes," in which he invites visitors to consider one of the worst losses possible.
  • Film Festival Spotlights Women Worldwide
    For the 10th year running, the University at Buffalo's Gender Institute will present an International Women's Film Festival as a way of highlighting both worthy artists and worthy issues often ignored in the mainstream of American culture.