Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • IBS Patients to Test Novel Treatment Program Aimed At Changing Thoughts and Responses to Symptoms
    Specialists in treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in the University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences are are conducting a clinical trial of an innovative treatment program that centers on reducing symptoms by changing the way patients think about and respond to potential IBS episodes.
  • Online Exhibition has Einstein Covered Every Which Way but Loose
    The University at Buffalo's Arts and Sciences Libraries have constructed an online exhibit celebrating Albert Einstein's life and achievements with links to manuscripts and papers, scientific articles, related news and events, biographic data, photographs and audio-visual materials, games and thought experiments, as well as to a site designed to help kids think like physicists.
  • Innovative Courses Examine Technology's Influence on Culture
    The Internet, mobile technologies and new-media technologies may be the most influential drivers of cultural change in American society today, according to University at Buffalo faculty members offering courses this semester exploring the social and cultural consequences of information and communication technologies.
  • Using Customized Nanoparticles, UB Scientists Achieve Non-Viral Gene Delivery In Vitro and Track it in Real-Time
    A gene therapy method that doesn't rely on potentially toxic viruses as vectors may be growing closer as the result of in vitro research results reported by University at Buffalo scientists in the current online issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
  • Study Finds 17 Percent of Women Between 18 and 30 Have Been Raped
    A study looking at the prevalence of sexual assault among 1,014 women between 18 and 30 found that 38 percent had experienced sexual victimization and nearly half of that group had been raped, according to researchers at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions.
  • Researchers Identify Neuronal "Middleman" Involved in Development of Alzheimer's Disease
    A potential new neuronal pathway involved in the development of Alzheimer's disease that may be a promising target for new treatments for the disease has been identified by scientists at the University at Buffalo.
  • "Not By the Chair of My Hinny-Hin-Hin" -- Groundbreaking Research on Kids' Slips of the Tongue Documents Language Development
    Freudian claims about the "meaning" of slips of the tongue not withstanding, when it comes to children, such errors reveal much more about what they know about the structure of language than they do about repressed thoughts, according to a University at Buffalo psycholinguist who is the author of a groundbreaking book on the topic.
  • Quick Gifts for the Odd or Academic -- Librarians Know Everything
    Librarians in the Arts and Sciences Libraries at the University at Buffalo have constructed a Holiday Gift Web Site that is heavily academic and a little weird, but a lot of fun, and will satisfy the peculiar cravings of those cell biologists, mathematicians and other academics or students on your holiday shopping list.
  • When It Comes to Giving Children "Educational Toys," Education Expert Says Parents Should Leave No Child Behind
    Parents considering purchase of "must-have" electronic educational toys for their children this holiday season are reminded to include an extra component that's much more important than batteries: themselves.
  • Maurizio Trevisan Named Dean of UB School of Public Health and Health Professions
    University at Buffalo President John B. Simpson today announced the appointment of Maurizio Trevisan as dean of the University at Buffalo School of Public Health and Health Professions.