Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • NMDA Receptors Function as 'Frequency Discriminators,' Possibly Initiating Long-Term Potentiation or Depression of Synapses, Biophysicists Find
    The NMDA receptor, a brain protein crucial for learning and memory, can function as a "frequency discriminator," translating stimulation frequency into current amplitude and possibly deciding whether the neuron will learn to become more or less receptive to future experiences, University of Buffalo biophysicists have revealed.
  • Genes May Determine Who Developed Gulf War Syndrome, UB Researchers Find
    Veterans of the first Persian Gulf War suffering from medically unexplained fatigue associated with Gulf War Syndrome may have a genetic predisposition for developing the condition, geneticists at the University at Buffalo have found.
  • Center Focusing on Indoor Air Quality Earns National Science Foundation Renewal
    The Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Biosurfaces at the University at Buffalo has been renewed as a "national center" by the National Science Foundation for a five-year term.
  • Researchers to Study Alcohol-Related Victimization of Women During Their Four-Year College Experience
    In conjunction with the arrival of a new crop of freshmen on college campuses across the U.S., researchers at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions will begin a study of the alcohol-related victimization experienced by female college students.
  • Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation Awards $100,000 for Cancer Vaccine Research at University at Buffalo
    A promising new technique for developing a cancer vaccine has earned researchers in the University at Buffalo's School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences the university's first grant from the Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation.
  • Fiber-Optic Network Is Finished, Boosting Data Transmission 1,000-Fold between UB and Research Partners
    Approximately 12 miles of new fiber-optic cable has been constructed by the University at Buffalo and over the next few weeks will be "lit," enhancing high-speed data links between UB's campuses and with affiliated research institutions, an essential step toward creation of a life-sciences economy for the region.
  • Mirror-Image of Tarantula Venom Peptide Shows Promise as a Drug, UB Biophysicists Find
    A tarantula venom peptide, GsMTx4, known to affect many organs, can be manipulated to withstand destruction in the stomach, making it a promising candidate for drugs that could treat cardiac arrhythmias, muscular dystrophy and many other conditions, University at Buffalo biophysicists have shown.
  • Study Is First to Link Drug-Abusing Fathers to Serious Psychopathology in Their Children
    A study by researchers at the University at Buffalo and Old Dominion University has found that being raised by a father who abuses drugs is even more harmful to the mental health of school-aged children than being raised by a father who is an alcoholic.
  • An Expanding Waistline May Bring with It Fatty Liver Disease, UB Researchers Find, in Study of Liver Enzymes and Central Adiposity
    A new study from the University at Buffalo has found that excessive fat around one's middle -- the familiar "potbelly" -- is a strong predictor of potential liver damage.
  • UB to Reactivate Master's, Doctoral Programs in Biostatistics
    The Department of Biostatistics in the School of Public Health and Health Professions at the University at Buffalo has received approval from the state Education Department to re-activate the graduate program in statistics, which had been suspended in 1998.