Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • UB School of Management to Host Biotech Symposium
    Current efforts to develop a biotechnology industry presence in Western New York will be the focus of a full-day symposium to be hosted by the University at Buffalo School of Management on July 21.
  • UB School of Nursing Honors Graduates at Commencement
    Ten students in the University at Buffalo School of Nursing received awards at the school's recent commencement ceremony.
  • Fights and Vandalism Shown to be Related to Drinking at School
    Interpersonal aggression and vandalism in high school are directly related to alcohol use during school hours, according to researchers at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) and Canisius College.
  • Historic Bentley Snow Crystal Collection Available Online, Thanks to Digital Library Produced by UB Students
    He was an odd-duck Vermont farmer who invented photomicrography and produced thousands of stunning photographs of snow crystals to prove that no two are alike. He made 10,000 glass photomicrographic plates, upon which he captured the images of individual snow crystals, dew and frost. Over the years, the glass plates deteriorated, however, and the work of Wilson Alwyn Bentley might have been lost forever to researchers and the public, had not a group of graduate students from the University at Buffalo stepped in to save it for posterity.
  • Students Honored at UB Medical School Commencement
    Forty-five graduates of the University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences received awards at the school's recent commencement ceremony.
  • UB Law School to Present Lectures on Elder Law Topics
    An evening lecture series offering presentations on a variety of topics of interest to senior citizens, including the new Medicare prescription drug law, paying for long-term care and planning for death or disability, will be held in June on the University at Buffalo North (Amherst) Campus.
  • Meyer Elected President of U.S. Society for Biomaterials
    Anne E. Meyer, director of the University at Buffalo site of the National Science Foundation-sponsored Industry/University Center for Biosurfaces, has been elected president of the U.S. Society for Biomaterials, a scientific research society with approximately 1,500 members from academia, industry and government agencies.
  • Millard Fillmore College to Present "Lifelong Learning" Series
    "Lifelong Learning," a free program for persons ages 55 and older interested in challenging academic lectures, will be held this June as part of UBThisSummer.
  • Pelham Selected as Education Research Mentor
    William E. Pelham, Jr., Ph.D., of Amherst, professor of psychology, pediatrics and psychiatry, and director of the Center for Children and Families at the University at Buffalo, has been selected to be a mentor for a new postdoctoral fellowship training program aimed at boosting research on the application of psychological science to education.
  • Underserved Use Alternative Therapies at Same Rate as General Population, Depend More on Prayer, UB Study Finds
    Medically underserved individuals use complementary and alternative medicines at the same rate as the population at large, but they rely more heavily on prayer and low-cost therapies, a study by University at Buffalo researchers has shown.