Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • UB Computational and Life Scientists Working Side by Side to Tackle Cancer, Heart Disease, Multiple Sclerosis
    Linking computer scientists with life scientists to develop computational tools that will help draw a far more complete picture of the causes behind complex diseases like cancer, multiple sclerosis and coronary artery disease is the goal of researchers at the University at Buffalo working under two major federal grants totaling $2.8 million.
  • $1 Million Grant to UB Nursing School Funds New Nursing Programs to Meet Chronic Nurse Shortages, Need for Nursing Faculty
    Yvonne Scherer, Ed.D., associate professor in the School of Nursing at the University at Buffalo, has received a $1 million, three-year grant from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration to support new academic programs aimed at alleviating the chronic shortage of skilled nurses and nursing faculty.
  • Molecular Biology Software Aims to do for Biotech Scientists what Word Processing Accomplished for Writers
    A new software package under development by Virmatics, LLC., a spin-off company formed by researchers at the University at Buffalo and the Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute, will provide molecular biologists with the tools they need to design successful experiments, potentially boosting the pace of new drug discoveries.
  • PDAs Are as Indispensable as Stethoscopes at UB as Medical School Mandates Them for All Students
    At the University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, all medical students have added something new -- and high-tech -- to their list of must-have school supplies: a personal digital assistant, more commonly known as a PDA.
  • UB to Join Research Initiatives of New Regional Center of Excellence in Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Disease in Albany
    The University at Buffalo has been selected to partner in the research initiatives of the new Regional Center of Excellence for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases Research (RCE) to be established at the New York State Department of Health in Albany.
  • UB Begins Groundbreaking Study on 'Net Effect' on Patients of HIV Treatments, Other Drugs and Substances of Abuse
    An antiretroviral drug for HIV, methadone for heroin addiction, a birth control pill and an antidepressant. For some AIDS patients, this is a daily medication regimen. How do all of these substances affect how HIV drugs work and how do HIV drugs, in turn, affect the other drugs a patient takes? That question is at the heart of research being conducted by the University at Buffalo's Laboratory for Antiviral Research, where researchers are developing innovative new methods of testing the blood and cells of HIV patients for these interactions.
  • Electronic Packaging Lab at UB Developing Ways to Make Electronic Devices Smaller, Faster and More Reliable
    Some of the world's most advanced research in micro- and nanoelectronic-packaging reliability is taking place in the Electronic Packaging Laboratory in the University at Buffalo School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. UB engineers are addressing critical problems confronting the electronics industry as it attempts to make electronic packages much smaller and more reliable. Their research is helping to reduce the size and increase the speed and life span of electronic devices, and is opening the door for the creation of new devices.
  • Abdominal Fat, a Contributor to Heart Disease Risk, Is Related to Alcohol Drinking Pattern, UB Study Shows
    How you drink alcohol -- how often, how much, when and what kind -- can influence the risk of heart disease by affecting the accumulation of abdominal fat, a body characteristic shown to be an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, University at Buffalo epidemiologists have shown.
  • Bono Named Director of UB Gender Institute
    Barbara Bono, associate professor in the Department of English in the College of Arts and Sciences, has been appointed director of UB's Institute for Research and Education on Women and Gender for 2003-05.
  • UB Nursing School Launches Fast-Track Degree for College Graduates Who Want to Become Nurses
    In an innovative approach to easing the chronic nursing shortage, the School of Nursing at the University of Buffalo, in partnership with the Catholic Health System and the Kaleida Health System, is launching a fast-track degree program that allows persons who hold a bachelor's degree in another field to receive a bachelor's of science in nursing in 12 months.