Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • Treatment Regimen for Gum Disease in Diabetics Improves Glucose Status Along with Oral Health, UB Study Shows
    Diabetics with gum disease who were treated for 12 weeks with a medication aimed at stabilizing collagen and improving their immune response completed the three-month trial with better blood-sugar levels, as well as significantly improved oral health, a study conducted by dental researchers at the University at Buffalo has shown.
  • UB Study Links Gum Disease with Oral Cancer Risk
    Dental researchers from the University at Buffalo have found a significant association between one measure of periodontal disease and oral pre-cancerous lesions and tumors.
  • Poor Oral Health Adds to the Disease Burden of Alcoholics, UB Dental Researchers Show
    Alcohol abuse, alone a detriment to health, appears to lead to periodontal disease, tooth decay and mouth sores that are potentially precancerous, researchers in the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine have found.
  • UB Chemist Traces the Environmental Fate of Antibiotics Used with Livestock from Barnyards to Crop Fields
    Research at the University at Buffalo is focusing on the residues of antibiotics used to promote growth in livestock and to treat their diseases that end up in the environment and could potentially alter microbial ecosystems in humans and animals, as well as in the environment.
  • UB Creates "Population Health Observatory" to Conduct Regional Bioterrorism Surveillance, Document Health Trends
    The University at Buffalo is establishing one of the first local health surveillance systems in the United States, which aims to do for the eight counties comprising Western New York what state health departments do statewide and the Centers for Disease Control does for the nation.
  • Passive Smoke from Spouse Can Increase a Smoking Woman's Stroke Risk Three-Fold, UB Study Shows
    Women already at risk of having a stroke because they smoke cigarettes increase their stroke risk three-fold if they live with a spouse who smokes, a study conducted at the University at Buffalo has shown.
  • Strenuous Physical Activity Throughout Life Can Decrease Risk of Breast Cancer, UB Study Finds
    Women who take part in strenuous leisure-time activities vigorous enough to work up a sweat appear to cut their risk of developing breast cancer, researchers at the University at Buffalo have shown.
  • Standard Stroke Risks Don't Account for Disparity in Stroke Deaths Between Blacks and Whites, UB Study Shows
    A 30 percent greater incidence of stroke-related deaths between African Americans and whites is not accounted for by differences in conventional risk factors -- such as hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol -- known to affect a person's chances of suffering a stroke, research conducted at the University at Buffalo Toshiba Stroke Research Center has shown.
  • Publication of First Comprehensive Book on Biophotonics Marks a New Era for the Emerging Science
    Today's most exciting science is being done at the interfaces of established disciplines, but sometimes the difficulties of communicating across those disciplines thwarts the collaborations that are so crucial to success in these new fields. The publication of "Introduction to Biophotonics" by Paras Prasad, Ph.D., provides researchers from a broad range of backgrounds with one, user-friendly foundation for advancing the science of biophotonics.
  • Parents' Sport Fishing and Consumption of Toxins in Sport Fish Contribute to Shifts in Gender-Role Behavior, UB Scientists Find
    Women's exposure to environmental contaminants that mimic the activity of human sex hormones during prenatal development can affect the masculinity and femininity of their offspring, UB researchers have found.