Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • Researcher Debunks "Myth" that Asians Are, by Nature, More Academically Successful than Other Minorities
    Guofang Li, Ph.D., is a Chinese native, academic researcher and assistant professor in the University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education. She seems the very model of the stereotypical Asian immigrant -- whom she describes as "intelligent, industrious, enduring, obedient, highly successful and joyfully initiated into North American life and English literacy." In reality, Li is out to dispel that stereotype and in study after study she has debunked the popular idea that Asian students are, by nature, better equipped to succeed academically than other minority groups.
  • How Children Perceive Urban Environments Is Focus of First Children's Geography Project
    University at Buffalo geographers are embarking on a new project designed to find out how school-aged children relate to urban spaces, to create the first "children's geography of the inner city."
  • Grant from Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo Assists UB in Study of Prostate Cancer
    The Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo has awarded a $7,500 grant for a study of prostate cancer to the Department of Medicine in the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
  • Too Fat to Fight? Obesity Becomes National Security Issue, Weight Would Disqualify Many Potential Military Recruits
    If the U.S. military needed to recruit substantial numbers of young men and women into their forces quickly, they would face a vexing obstacle: the chubby American. Moreover, military weight limits for women are stricter than for men in all of the forces, making it harder for women to get into the military and if they get in, to stay within weight limits without jeopardizing their health, according to a study co-authored by a University at Buffalo researcher.
  • Esthetic Dentistry Education Center Helps Students, Dentists Keep Up with Public's Demand for Perfect Smile
    The University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine is providing some of the most comprehensive training in esthetic, or cosmetic, dentistry in the country to dental students and practicing dentists.
  • UB Engineer Develops Novel Method for Assembly of Nanoparticles
    A University at Buffalo engineer has developed a novel method for assembling nanoparticles into three-dimensional structures that one day may be used to produce new nanoscale tools and machines.
  • Combining Clot-Buster Drug with Clot-Busting Device Can Open Blood Vessels in High-Risk Stroke Patients
    A novel approach to treating high-risk stroke patients who were poor candidates for traditional clot-busting therapy enabled one-third of patients in a prospective trial, all of whom otherwise would be expected to suffer severe deficits, to return to functional independence, neurosurgeons at the University at Buffalo report.
  • For-Profit U.S. Dialysis Facilities Show Higher Patient Death Rates Than Non-Profits, JAMA Study Shows
    The profit motive that drives U.S. for-profit kidney dialysis centers results in an average of 2,500 premature deaths annually, a study to be published tomorrow (Nov. 20, 2002) in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has found.
  • Algorithm Predicts Interactions Between Proteins Whose Structures Are Unsolved
    A promising new algorithm that can predict interactions between proteins whose structures are unsolved has been developed by Jeffrey Skolnick, Ph.D., University at Buffalo Distinguished Professor and director of the Buffalo Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.
  • Psychologist Says Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Common and Serious Problem for Accident Victims
    Working with survivors of serious car accidents, psychologists at the University at Buffalo are evaluating the use of group therapy to provide effective treatment to individuals experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder.