Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • With $2 Million Grant, UB Team to Launch a "Transparent" Virtual Community for Protein-Structure Scientists
    University at Buffalo scientists have been awarded a $2 million National Science Foundation grant to use new technologies, such as grid computing, data mining and collaborative environments, to enhance protein-structure determination, a key tool in the rational drug-design process, where the discovery of new pharmaceuticals is based on precise knowledge of protein structures.
  • Cognitive Therapy for Irritable Bowel? UB Study Tests Treatment's Success with Brain PET Scans
    Can people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) reduce their symptoms by learning to alter the brain's processing of pain signals? Researchers at the University at Buffalo and the Buffalo Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) think the answer is "yes."
  • A Date with "Spidey" Reduces Loathing for Little Buggers, Gentles the Trembling Heart
    Juliana Read, a doctoral candidate in the University at Buffalo who previously was a genuine arachnophobe, is conducting research to determine whether an hour of treatment can produce clinically significant reductions in anxiety among those afraid of spiders.
  • Linking Patients to Family Doctor, Intensive Follow-up Studied as Alternative for Psychiatric Emergencies
    University at Buffalo family-medicine researchers, in a new four-year study, are testing whether linking people in a psychiatric emergency to a primary-care physician and then following them closely will improve patients' mental and physical health care and save money in the process.
  • Action of Critical Component in Immune System Activation Described for First Time by UB Scientists
    Immunologists from the University at Buffalo are the first to describe a human immune system component known to be essential to controlling the activation of T-cells, the first line of defense against foreign antigens.
  • Government, Corporate and Foundation Partnerships Funding UB's Rise to Prominence in Bioinformatics and Supercomputing
    The Dell supercomputer cluster unveiled today at the University at Buffalo is the result of a unique partnership between corporate, government and non-profit institutions that is establishing UB and the Buffalo Niagara region as a worldwide leader in supercomputing and bioinformatics.
  • Spin-Off Studies from Historic Women's Health Initiative Address Myriad Diverse Conditions in Men and Women
    In the "one-thing-leads-to-another" nature of scientific research, hundreds of studies are underway at the University at Buffalo and other clinical sites of the Women's Health Initiative, spawned in whole or part by the 12-year, $625 million initiative funded by the National Institutes of Health.
  • More Than 2,000 Dell Servers to be Used for Advanced Research at UB
    Dell and the University at Buffalo today announced one of the largest clusters of Linux servers ever at a U.S. educational institution.
  • Casting Events of Sept. 11 as Acts of 'War' Has Catastrophic Implications, Says UB Historian
    The popular response to the events of 9/11 has been wholly appropriate, moving and important, says historian Michael Frisch, but now the "war" metaphor is being used at the policy level to justify actions whose consequences place the U.S. and its people in greater and greater danger.
  • Post-Sept. 11 Consumers Are More Introspective, Less Hedonistic, Says UB Marketing Professor
    The appetites and spending habits of American consumers have changed substantially during the one-year period after Sept. 11, according to an expert on retail strategy and consumer perception at the University at Buffalo.