Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • Project Aiming to Increase Organ, Tissue Donation Focuses on Educating Middle-School, High-School Students
    Working to educate children to deliver to their families the important messages about organ donation is the focus of a new program, "Talk it Up," being launched by the University at Buffalo and Upstate New York Transplant Services (UNYTS).
  • Bicoastal Classrooms, Virtual Prison Doctors Result of UB Expertise in Internet Videoconferencing
    In their most harried moments, professors trying to balance the demands of teaching, research and family may feel that the only solution to their overloaded schedules is to be in two places at once. And now -- for better or worse -- they can as the result of advances in high-quality Internet videoconferencing pioneered, in part, by the University at Buffalo.
  • Research Focusing on Impact of AA Participation, Spirituality on Recovery from Alcohol Abuse
    The impact of participation in Alcoholics Anonymous and spirituality on recovery from alcohol abuse is the focus of a new study at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions.
  • A New “Anti-Biography” of Composer Franz Schubert Undoes 150 Years of Distortion and Trivialization
    The life and character of composer Franz Schubert have been variously sketched in treacle and brimstone by biographers. But a critically acclaimed new biography by a University at Buffalo Schubert scholar presents a far more balanced and empathetic portrait of the man and his career.
  • Drinking in a Bar Puts Women at Risk for Male Aggression
    Fifty-seven percent of the women who participated in a recent study at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) reported experiencing at least one incident of verbal or physical aggression while drinking in a bar
  • Fish Oil and Vitamin E Reduce Levels of Pro-Inflammatory Proteins in Rheumatoid Arthritis, UB Study Shows
    A study by UB researchers has shown that fish oil and vitamin E are promising potential therapies for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.
  • UB School of Social Work to Open V.I.S.A. Center for Students Suspended from School for Violence
    The University at Buffalo School of Social Work has announced the opening of a new center aimed at meeting the educational, emotional and behavioral needs of students who have been suspended from school for disruptive behavior and acts of violence.
  • Two Nutrition Programs Added at UB
    Two new programs in nutrition have been approved at the University at Buffalo beginning this academic year.
  • Poor Oral Health Increases Stroke Risk, UB Study Finds
    People with severe gum disease are at twice the risk of suffering a stroke than those with good oral health, University at Buffalo researchers have shown in the first national, population-based cohort study of periodontal disease and cerebrovascular disease.
  • UB Signs Contract with Microsoft to Provide Software to More than 29,000 Students, Faculty and Staff
    An agreement between the University at Buffalo and Microsoft will put into the hands of every one of UB's students and faculty and staff members the newest, most popular Microsoft software on the market while saving the university more than a quarter of a million dollars per year.