Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • UB Researcher Studying Couples Therapy in Combination with Substance-Abuse Treatment
    A researcher with the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions has embarked on the first comprehensive examination of the multidimensional effects of couples therapy with married or cohabiting individuals who misuse drugs other than alcohol. The study by William Fals-Stewart, Ph.D., senior research scientist, is funded by a $2 million grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
  • Lung Function May Predict Long Life or Early Death
    How well your lungs function may predict how long you live, according to a nearly 30-year follow-up of the association between impaired pulmonary function and all causes of mortality conducted by researchers at the University at Buffalo.
  • Verizon Grant Will Provide Web Walk Through Frank Lloyd Wright Masterpiece
    It will be a walk on the "Web side" when a 20th-century Frank Lloyd Wright masterpiece goes virtual through a grant to the Center for Virtual Architecture in the University at Buffalo's School of Architecture and Planning.
  • UB Psychologist Hull Wins Coveted Research Award
    Elaine M. Hull, Ph.D., professor of psychology in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University at Buffalo, has received a $602,759 Independent Scientist Award from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), an arm of the National Institutes of Health.
  • Davies Receives Award from Johnson & Johnson for Work on Method to Synthesize New Pharmaceuticals
    Huw M.L. Davies, Larkin Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University at Buffalo, has received a prestigious Focused Giving Award from Johnson & Johnson.
  • UB Study Documents Diabetes-Thyroid Disease Link in Maine Native-American Tribe
    University at Buffalo researchers have demonstrated for the first time a close association between hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus in an American-Indian tribe, and found diabetic women to be particularly at risk.
  • Smoking Restrictions Have Not Harmed Restaurant Business, UB Study Shows
    Restricting smoking in restaurants has not been a recipe for economic disaster in the restaurant business, despite predictions to the contrary, a review of existing data by a University at Buffalo epidemiologist has found.
  • African-American Anglers Disregard Official Advisories, Get Information from Other Anglers, UB Study Finds
    A study by University at Buffalo epidemiologists has shown African-Americans anglers follow advice from friends and family -- rather the printed state advisories -- when choosing safe fishing waters.
  • Hog Wild in Athens B.C.E.! Role of Pigs in Social and Religious Life Provides Insights into Ancient Greece
    Pork may be today's "other white meat," but when it comes to hog heaven, we can't hold a candle to the ancient Greeks, according to Susan Cole, associate professor and chair in the Department of Classics at the University at Buffalo, who has spent years researching the role pigs played in Greek social and religious life.
  • Study Shows Glucose Consumption Increases Production of Destructive Free Radicals, Lowers Level of Key Antioxidant
    Excess sugar in the bloodstream stimulates the generation of free radicals, the oxygen molecules known to damage cells lining blood vessels and many other organs, according to a study by University at Buffalo researchers.