Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • Lifestyle Habits Not a Factor in Length of Time to Conceive Among Fertile Women, UB Study Finds
    University at Buffalo researchers have found that a woman's biology -- specifically age at first menstruation and at first live birth -- not lifestyle habits she or her partner may have adopted, were the major predictors of resolved fertility, defined as conceiving a child only after a year or more of trying.
  • Study of Cocaine Withdrawal Shows Symptoms Are Less Daunting Than Previously Thought
    Withdrawal from cocaine is no picnic, but a study by a researcher at the University at Buffalo has shown that it may not involve the wrenching ups and downs and intense cravings that specialists in the field have considered the norm.
  • UB’s Love Canal Archival Collections Document Important Chapter in Environmental Movement
    The tragic aspects of Love Canal are always at the forefront of our memory of that disaster, but a newly-opened collection of archival materials provides conclusive evidence that what happened in that community should be a source of enormous pride for the Western New York region.
  • Oral Health Of Blacks, Mexican Americans Significantly Worse Than That Of Whites, UB Study Finds
    African Americans and Mexican Americans have significantly poorer oral health than non-Hispanic whites in the United States, and men have more periodontal disease than women, a study of national data by University at Buffalo epidemiologists has shown.
  • Chubby Children Risk Developing Unfavorable Lipid Profile In Childhood, UB Study Shows
    University at Buffalo investigators have determined that children with a high body mass index (BMI), a measure of obesity, are likely to have high levels of triglycerides and low levels of protective cholesterol in childhood, dyslipidemia conditions that contribute to heart disease in adulthood.
  • New Hybrid Glass More Stable For Chemical Separations
    A researcher at the University at Buffalo has developed and patented a new hybrid glass material that could replace traditional silica materials for the analytical-separations columns that are ubiquitous throughout the chemical, pharmaceutical, environmental and biotech industries.
  • Men Who Develop Testicular Cancer Have Fertility Problems Even Before Diagnosis, UB Epidemiologists Find
    Men who develop testicular cancer father fewer children and are more likely to have been diagnosed with infertility prior to their cancer diagnosis than healthy controls, a University at Buffalo study has found.
  • Researchers Look For Answers To Questions About Parenting Styles And Child Development
    Researchers in the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) have begun a five-year project, funded by a $3.5 million grant from the National Institutes of Health, to study infant and child development and the factors that influence parenting skills.
  • University At Buffalo Study Shows Exercise Training Helps Aging Muscles Resist Injury, Could Postpone “Frailty”
    Regular exercise helps aging muscles retain their flexibility and protects them from injury, one of the few studies of the effect of exercise training on muscle function in aging animals has found.
  • UB Law Professor Judy Scales-Trent Wins Fulbright Award
    Judy Scales-Trent, professor of law at the University at Buffalo, has received a Fulbright award to conduct research and teach in Senegal during the 2000-2001 academic year.