Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • UB Chemists Develop Revolutionary Method For Synthesizing Drugs Such As Ritalin, Zoloft
    A revolutionary method for synthesizing specialty chemicals --especially pharmaceuticals -- that makes it possible to activate the normally unreactive carbon-hydrogen bonds in organic molecules has been developed by a team of University at Buffalo chemists.
  • UB Jumps To 11th In Yahoo! Survey Of Wired Universities
    From nowhere to the top 50 to the top 15. That's the story of the University at Buffalo's remarkable track record in technology in just the past three years, according to the closely watched "wired schools" arbiter, Yahoo! Internet Life Magazine.
  • Low-Fat, High-Fiber Diet Has No Effect On Recurrent Colon Polyps, Multicenter Study Finds
    Adopting a diet low in fat and high in fruits and vegetables may have many health benefits, but lowering the risk of developing recurrent colon polyps, precursors of colon cancer, does not appear to be one of them.
  • UB’s “Green” Snowmobile Wins National Contest
    The cleanest, meanest, most economical snowmobile machine isn't yet available in a store near you. It's at the University at Buffalo, thanks to a team of engineering students who recently beat competitors from six other schools at the Inaugural Clean Snowmobile Challenge held in Jackson Hole, Wyo.
  • High-School Students' Financial Knowledge Is Lacking, UB Study Finds
    When it comes to such personal finance topics as paying taxes, using a credit card or saving toward retirement, today's high-school seniors know less than their colleagues did three years ago, according to survey results compiled by Lewis Mandell, dean of the School of Management at the University at Buffalo.
  • UB Biologists Find Genetic Link Between Periodontal Disease, Clotting Factor And Heart Disease
    Oral biologists at the University at Buffalo have found increased levels of the blood-clotting factor fibrinogen in persons with periodontitis, illuminating one pathway for the relationship between poor oral health and heart disease.
  • Marshmallow Peeps Collection Is Pride Of UB Librarian
    Easter is a special time for Kathleen Delaney because it is reminiscent of her first introduction to marshmallow Peeps. Some might say she took her historical passion a bit too far, but the University at Buffalo librarian and archivist has been collecting these marshmallow Easter treats for more than 25 years.
  • 10 Years Of Proactive Community Policing Build Campus Teamwork, Make UB A Safer Place
    In 1989, the Department of Public Safety at the University at Buffalo underwent a major change when it became one of the first colleges or universities to adopt a new philosophy, management style and organizational strategy known as community policing. Today, more than 10 years later, the department is seeing the results in a safer campus environment.
  • Less Drug, Stronger Laser Beam Allow Photodynamic Therapy To Reach Deep Chest Cancer Lesions, UB Researchers Find
    Photodynamic therapy (PDT), one of the most promising new cancer treatments, may have much wider application than previously thought, new research by University at Buffalo researchers has shown.
  • UB Dental Researchers Find Obesity Related To Gum Disease
    Researchers from the School of Dental Medicine at the University at Buffalo have found that obesity is significantly related to periodontal disease through the pathway of insulin resistance.