Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • Study Finds Link Between Mothers’ Substance Abuse And Their Style Of Child Discipline
    Mothers who have alcohol and drug problems tend to be more punitive toward their children than women who do not have substance-abuse problems, according to a study conducted by two University at Buffalo School of Social Work faculty members.
  • Study By UB Neurosurgeons Finds That Cigarette Smoking Is Linked To Size Of Brain Aneurysms
    Cigarette smoking appears to increase the risk for developing large brain aneurysms in patients who are predisposed to these life-threatening, blood-vessel malformations, a study headed by researchers in the University at Buffalo Department of Neurosurgery has shown.
  • Peace Bridge Designs Come To Life Virtually At UB
    The final decision on whether to build a "Superspan" or to "twin" the existing Peace Bridge is still months away, but starting this week, all of the proposed bridge and toll plaza designs have come to life, virtually that is, in the Center for Computational Research (CCR) at the University at Buffalo.
  • UB Study Is First To Assess Relationship Of Genetic Predisposition To Nicotine Addiction, Smoking Cessation
    Researchers at the University at Buffalo and Georgetown University are conducting a $3.7 million, five-year study of the role of genetics in a smoker's response to standard cessation programs, and to determine if a drug known to slow dopamine transport to the brain can increase responsiveness and improve the chances of quitting.
  • Grant To Advance Case-Study Approach To Teaching Science
    A University at Buffalo professor who says his mission in life is to revolutionize the teaching of science has received an $800,000 grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts to do just that.
  • “SNAP” Offers Computers To Financially Strapped Freshmen
    The so-called "digital divide" between the "haves" -- those who can afford computer access -- and the "have nots" has been erased, at least in the freshman class at the University at Buffalo. Thanks to the university's Students Needing Assistance Program (SNAP) and its corporate partners financial hardship simply is not an issue for 264 freshmen, at least where computers are concerned.
  • “Virtual Village” Helps UB Social-Work Students Learn To Solve Neighborhood Problems
    Students in the Graduate School of Social Work at the University at Buffalo are hitting the streets of several urban neighborhoods this semester as they take a close look at issues faced by Buffalo communities. And they'll only have to look as far as their PCs to do it.
  • George Stephanopoulos To Speak At UB
    George Stephanopoulos, ABC-TV news political analyst, author and former top aide and communications director in the Clinton Administration, will speak at 8 p.m. March 22 in the Mainstage Theatre in the Center for the Arts on the University at Buffalo North (Amherst) Campus.
  • Black Mathematicians, Other Scientists Find Community At UB Web Site
    Even in 2000, African-Americans who are studying to be -- or already are -- mathematicians face a lonely proposition: only about one-quarter of 1 percent of all mathematicians in the United States are black. But many of them are finding a thriving community at the unique Web site created and maintained by a professor of mathematics at the University at Buffalo.
  • RIA Receives NIH Grant To Assist Partners Of Problem Gamblers
    Most people are ill-prepared to deal with the hardships brought on by a loved one's gambling problem. Researchers at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) have begun a new project funded by a $649,283 grant from the National Institutes of Health that is aimed at studying the stress these people may be experiencing and the ways they've tried to deal with it.