
News about UB’s legal programs and related insight into the law. (see all topics)

  • UB Governance Institute Moves to Law School
    The Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth will be aligned with the UB Law School, effective immediately, in a move designed to advance the institute's mission to become one of the nation's premier university-based centers for the study of regions and governments.
  • Gardner Chosen for New Endowed Law Professorship
    Professor James A. Gardner has been named to a new civil justice professorship in the University at Buffalo Law School, created through the generosity of alumnus Joseph W. Belluck and his wife, Laura L. Aswad.
  • Law School Attracts People from All Walks of Life
    The new class of students at the University at Buffalo Law School may be more diverse in background and experience than any in recent memory. Of the 247 first-year students enrolled this fall at the UB Law School, about half possess the prototypical law-school student portfolio, but many come to the school from wide-ranging paths that have taken them all over the world.
  • Alito's Intelligence, Modesty Recalled by Law Prof
    As a Yale University law student Supreme Court justice nominee Samuel Alito was "very reserved and very insightful," according to University at Buffalo Law School Professor Lee A. Albert, who was Alito's professor at Yale in the early 1970s.
  • Law School Classroom Named for Hodgson Russ LLP
    The University at Buffalo Law School dedicated the Hodgson Russ LLP Classroom -- Room 106 of O'Brian Hall on UB's North (Amherst) Campus -- with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Oct. 25.
  • Thomas R. Beecher, Jr., to Receive Jaeckle Award
    Community leader Thomas R. Beecher, Jr., will receive the 2005 Edwin F. Jaeckle Award from University at Buffalo Law School and the UB Law Alumni Association at a luncheon to be held Oct. 22 in the Hyatt Regency Buffalo.
  • "Justice at Dachau" Examines Nazi War Crimes Trial
    With the trial of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein expected to begin soon, the Jewish Law Students Association at the University at Buffalo Law School will host a multi-media presentation and lecture on a war-crimes tribunal from years past.
  • How Military Culture Impacts Women Topic of Conference
    The effect of military culture on women's lives -- from the experiences of servicewomen in Iraq, to human rights violations against women, to the plight of homeless female veterans -- will be examined at a conference to be held Sept. 15 and 16 in the Center for the Arts Screening Room on the University at Buffalo North (Amherst) Campus.
  • Arts Management Inaugural Seminar to be Held at UB
    The Center for the Arts will host Why Manage the Arts?: Arts Management Inaugural Seminar, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sept. 24 in the Screening Room (Rm. 112) of the Center for the Arts on the UB North (Amherst) Campus.
  • Looting an Act of Desperation, Not Crime
    Reports of widespread looting in New Orleans following the tragic flooding of the historic city sound less like actual criminal activity than desperation, according to a forensic psychologist at the University at Buffalo.