
News about generous gifts and our philanthropic programs. (see all topics)

  • Ohio Electronics Company Supports New UB Engineering Building and Establishes Fellowship Program
    Bird Technologies Group has given $200,000 to the University at Buffalo School of Engineering and Applied Sciences to advance research and education in UB's RF/microwave systems program.
  • $1 Million Gift to Fund Endowed Professorship in Management
    H. William Lichtenberger has made a $1 million gift to the University at Buffalo School of Management to establish an endowed professorship. The H. William Lichtenberger Professor of Global Services and Supply Management was created to help the UB School of Management attract and retain top talent and build its Global Services and Supply Management program.
  • UB Dental School, Area Dentists, Combine Forces to Improve Children's Dental Health
    Taking children to the dentist is important to their overall health, but for many families in Western New York, dental care is an unaffordable luxury. From Oct. 6-11, however, seeing a dentist will be free or cost little, thanks to 35 dentists in communities throughout Western New Work and at the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine.
  • Davis Makes Historic Gift to UB Engineering
    John R. "Jack" Davis, a well-known Western New York industrialist who graduated from the University at Buffalo with a degree in engineering, has given $1.5 million to the UB School of Engineering and Applied Sciences in support of a new high-tech, flagship engineering building to be constructed on UB's North (Amherst) Campus.
  • WBFO 88.7 FM Wins 7 New York State Associated Press Awards
    WBFO 88.7 FM, the University at Buffalo's National Public Radio affiliate, won seven awards -- including three first-place honors -- at the New York State Associated Press Broadcasters Association's annual awards banquet held recently in Saratoga Springs.
  • Donald F. and Barbara L. Newman Foundation Gifts $25,000 Toward Increasing WBFO's Audience Reach
    WBFO 88.7 FM, a major public service of the University at Buffalo, has recently received a gift from the Donald F. and Barbara L. Newman Foundation in the amount of $25,000. The donation will be used toward funding of the new tower and antenna that will improve service to WBFO's audience in Western New York, the Southern Tier and Southern Ontario, and will extend service to approximately 50,000 people to the northeast, east and southeast of the station's current broadcast reach.
  • UB Law School to Dedicate Gordon and Gretchen Gross Classroom
    In recognition of a $250,000 gift to the University at Buffalo Law School, one of the school's most-used lecture halls will become known as the Gordon and Gretchen Gross Classroom following dedication ceremonies on July 1.
  • UB Students Raise Their 41st Buffalo Home for Habitat for Humanity
    University at Buffalo undergraduate Mindy Underhill straddles a ceiling beam, checking the joists in a home going up on Buffalo's East Side. Underhill, a junior speech and hearing science major from Marilla, N.Y., is one of a team of young women working on what they call "the girls' house." It is one of four new homes being built this year by Habitat for Humanity with major assistance from 36 UB students, and it is the 41st such house since 1990.
  • UB's Literacy and Reading Center Accepting Applications for Fall Semester
    The Center for Literacy and Reading Instruction, affiliated with the University at Buffalo's Graduate School of Education and dedicated to helping children struggling with reading or writing, is accepting applications for the fall semester.
  • Pharmacy School Names New Home in Honor of Alumnus John N. Kapoor
    An alumnus of the University at Buffalo considered a visionary leader in the pharmaceutical industry is giving back once again to the institution that three decades ago provided a fellowship that helped him to earn a doctoral degree and begin his highly successful career.