
News about UB’s political science programs, and related insight into politics. (see all topics)

  • Faculty experts can discuss holiday driving and shopping, Palin's book and American fringe groups
    University at Buffalo faculty experts are available to discuss holiday driving and shopping, Sarah Palin's book and the prevalence of "fringe groups," among other news topics.
  • Obama has taken big risks in intervening in NYS gubernatorial politics
    The Obama administration's public attempt to pressure Gov. David Paterson into declaring that he will not seek election next year so that State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo will more easily secure the Democratic gubernatorial nomination is "highly unusual and very risky," according to University at Buffalo political scientist James E. Campbell.
  • Democrats Seen as the "Undeserving Rich" Face Rejection by Party Voters
    In a recent study, researchers from several universities looked at why white working-class voters voted Republican in recent national elections even when they didn't like Republican policies.
  • Study Demonstrates How We Support Our False Beliefs
    In a study published in the most recent issue of the journal Sociological Inquiry, sociologists from four major research institutions focus on one of the most curious aspects of the 2004 presidential election: the strength and resilience of the belief among many Americans that Saddam Hussein was linked to the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
  • Expert on Health Care Reform Decries 'Deliberate Deception,' Predicts 'Frankenreform'
    Debra Street, Ph.D., associate professor of sociology at the University at Buffalo, says the history of health care reform in the U.S. is "one of lost battles" for principled approaches to creating a health care system that delivers good health care to all.
  • Do Elections Sway Political Opinion?
    A new book on the role American elections play in shaping how its citizens arrive at political opinions -- written by nationally known University at Buffalo Law School election expert James A. Gardner -- looks at the expectations shared by many Americans that political campaigns should shape what people think about the major political issues in the election.
  • New Hampshire Is the State with Most Individual Freedom; New York Offers the Least
    Political scientists from the University at Buffalo and Texas State University have presented the first-ever comprehensive ranking of American states with regard to public policies affecting individual freedoms in the economic, social and personal spheres.
  • A Surprising View of Cuban Neighborhood Life Described in Book
    A new book based on 15 years of on-the-ground research in Cuba describes two Cubas -- one for Cubans, one for outsiders -- that co-exist but do not mix, and explains how the Cuban culture we do not see was critical in sustaining the Castro regime while other socialist countries collapsed.
  • Dear Michelle Obama....
    The voices of women whose stories are rarely told have been gathered by two scholars at the University at Buffalo to offer Michelle Obama messages of love, hope, admiration and support as she becomes the United States' first African American First Lady.
  • Overseas Popularity Gives Obama a Leg Up In Foreign Affairs
    Barack Obama's extraordinarily strong approval ratings abroad bode very well for the effectiveness of his foreign policy, says a University at Buffalo political scientist with expertise in international conflict and intergovernmental organizations.