
News about UB’s political science programs, and related insight into politics. (see all topics)

  • Work on Canadian Grassroots' Politics Up for Smiley Prize
    "Politics is Local: National Politics at the Grassroots," a new book by Canadian political scientists Donald Munroe Eagles and R. Kenneth Carty, has been short listed for the Donald Smiley Prize, awarded annually by the Canadian Political Science Association to the best book published in the previous year dealing with Canadian politics or government.
  • Welch Receives TIAA-CREF Lifetime Achievement Award
    Longtime University at Buffalo faculty member Claude E. Welch, Jr., has been named the recipient of the first Lifetime Achievement Award presented by TIAA-CREF, the leading provider of retirement services in the academic, research, medical and cultural fields.
  • Exhibition to highlight work of Francisco Toledo
    Francisco Toledo: Contemporary Graphic Art, an exhibition which highlights prints from the University at Buffalo's permanent collection, opens at UB Anderson Gallery with a public reception from 6-8 p.m. on, March 3.
  • Rivoli to Speak as Part of Lippes Speaker Series
    Pietra Rivoli, Ph.D., author of "The Travels of a T-Shirt in a Global Economy: An Economist Examines Markets, Power, and Politics of World Trade" (Wiley Publishers, 2005), will speak at 7 p.m. on March 2 in the University at Buffalo Center for the Arts Screening Room on the UB North (Amherst) Campus.
  • New Book Looks at Economic Rights in U.S., Canada
    Although the United States and Canada both are large prosperous nations, the countries are not created equal when it comes to economic and other human rights, says Claude E. Welch, Jr., SUNY Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences, at the University at Buffalo, in a new book.
  • UB to Hold Tibet in Buffalo Film Festival
    Martin Scorsese's film "Kundun" will open the Tibet in Buffalo Film Festival on March 9, the first film in a special series showcasing some of the best films about the Dalai Lama, Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism.
  • Scholar to Discuss TV Heartthrob, Textbook Battle
    Noted Japanese feminist scholar Shimizu Kiyoko next week will present two lectures at the University at Buffalo, one about an east Asian television heartthrob who has bridged the cultural and political gap between Korea and Japan, and the second about women's role in the latest incarnation of Japan's century-old textbook controversy.
  • Bush's Approval Ratings Should Improve After Rita
    President Bush's approval ratings should improve as a result of the federal government's improved disaster response following Hurricane Rita, according to University at Buffalo political scientist James E. Campbell, Ph.D., an expert on presidential politics and election forecasting.
  • Anti-City Policies Contributed to Katrina Disaster
    A federal policy of urban neglect is partly to blame for the extensive damage done to New Orleans by Katrina and the disastrous conditions left in its wake, according to Mark Gottdiener, Ph.D., an expert on urban culture and policy.
  • Lessons from 2004 Point the Way in 2008 Election
    In a scholarly assessment of the 2004 presidential election, University at Buffalo political science professor and election forecaster James E. Campbell, Ph.D., makes several observations about what trends may influence the 2008 contest.