
News about UB’s political science programs, and related insight into politics. (see all topics)

  • Researchers Find Ongoing Changes in Latino Religious Affiliation May Be to the Detriment of the Democratic Party
    A new study of Latino religion and politics has found that Latinos are much more diverse religiously and politically than previously thought, a fact that has important implications for the future of American politics.
  • Vice Presidential Debate Could Make or Break the Election, UB Expert Says
    Vice presidential debates are not usually viewed as important in changing electoral outcomes, but according to a University at Buffalo political scientist, Tuesday's vice presidential debate has taken on greater importance because of the closeness of the race between President Bush and John Kerry.
  • Forecasts Predict Bush Victory
    George W. Bush has a very good chance of winning a second term in the White House, according to "trial-heat-and-economy" and "convention bump" forecasts produced by James E. Campbell, professor of political science at the University at Buffalo.
  • States Should Develop Procedures Now to Deal with Potential Terrorist Disruption of Presidential Election
    Though the law is somewhat ambiguous on the subject, the power to postpone November's presidential election as a result of terrorist threat or attack lies mostly with individual states, according to an election-law expert at the University at Buffalo School of Law.
  • Rumsfeld Should be Dismissed or Resign, Says UB Expert on Human Rights
    Abuse of Iraqi prisoners by members of the U.S. military spotlight a lack of leadership at the U.S. Department of Defense so profound that Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld should resign or be dismissed, according to a University at Buffalo professor, who is an international expert on human rights and international law.
  • Dean's Grip on Democratic Nomination Appears Shaky, Says UB Political Scientist
    Conventional wisdom says Howard Dean will win the Democratic presidential nomination, but there are very strong reasons to be wary of this conclusion, according to a University at Buffalo political scientist who studies presidential elections.
  • Prosecuting Saddam Hussein: History Shows the Way to Gain "Greater Global Legitimacy," Says UB Political Scientist
    Lessons learned from past and ongoing war-crimes trials provide a useful backdrop for discussions on how Saddam Hussein should be tried, and by whom, according to a University at Buffalo political scientist who studies human rights.
  • Supreme Court's Ruling on McCain-Feingold Will Further Complicate Campaign Financing, Says UB Political Scientist
    The Supreme Court's majority decision on Wednesday upholding the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act -- better known as the McCain-Feingold law -- was surprising in several respects and will further complicate campaign financing, according to a University at Buffalo political scientist who studies campaign-finance reform.
  • New Book by UB Law Professor Focuses on Making Sense of Globalization
    A new book by a University at Buffalo law professor attempts to make sense of the debate about whether globalization is a pathway to unprecedented global prosperity or increased poverty, among other benefits and ills.
  • 2004 Election Should be Close, but Bush May Have a Historical Edge, Says UB Expert on Presidential Campaigns
    Circumstances leading up to the 2004 presidential election seem to point to another tightly contested race, though probably not the nail-biter of 2000, predicts a University at Buffalo political scientist who studies U.S. presidential campaigns.