Social Sciences

News about UB’s social sciences programs, including anthropology, psychology and social work. (see all topics)

  • As Haitian Tragedy Unfolds, UB Experts Are Available to Discuss Why We Give, Dangers to Health, Haitian Spirit
    As details continue to unfold, medical, cultural and communication experts at the University at Buffalo are available to discuss the catastrophic earthquake that devastated Haiti last week.
  • Haitian Tragedy: Faculty Experts Available for Commentary
    University at Buffalo faculty -- including earthquake engineering, disaster, trauma and communication experts -- are available to discuss the tragic earthquake in Haiti. A listing of the experts and their commentary is available at
  • Friendship May Help Stem Rise of Obesity in Children, Study Finds
    Parents are acutely aware of the influence of friends on their children's behavior -- how they dress, how they wear their hair, whether they drink or smoke. A new laboratory-based study has shown that friends also may influence how much adolescents eat.
  • Behavioral identification can help stop terrorists like Abdul Mutallab, researcher says
    The effective use of multiple layers of intelligence gathering, including existing behavioral identification programs, could have excluded the murderous Farouk Abdul Mutallab from travel before he got anywhere near Northwest Flight 253.
  • Addictive Effects of Caffeine on Kids Being Studied by UB Neurobiologist
    Caffeine is a stimulant drug, although legal, and adults use it widely to perk themselves up: Being "addicted" to caffeine is considered perfectly normal. But how strong is caffeine's appeal in young people who consume an abundance of soft drinks? What impact does acute and chronic caffeine consumption have on their blood pressure, heart rate and hand tremor? Furthermore, does consuming caffeinated drinks during adolescence contribute to later use of legal or illicit drugs?
  • UB Planners Make Recommendations to Get Williamsville Students to Walk to School
    Kid Corridor zones, student safety education and detailed maps of safe walking and bicycling routes are among the recommendations made by University at Buffalo graduate students in the Department of Urban and Regional planning to encourage students in the Williamsville Central School District (WCSD) to get out of cars and off buses and ride and walk to school instead.
  • Sociologist: Tiger Woods' Example Neither Reflects Nor Threatens the Image of Marriage
    University at Buffalo sociologist Sampson Blair says Tiger Woods' alleged rampant infidelities don't affect the status of marriage and the family because his lifestyle and wealth are regarded by most Americans as an exception to the rule, and his behavior is seen as attached to the lifestyle.
  • UB Regional Institute Celebrates New Space and New Chapter with Open House in UB Downtown Gateway
    The University at Buffalo Regional Institute welcomed the community to its new space in downtown Buffalo with an open house held Dec. 15 in the UB Downtown Gateway, 77 Goodell Street.
  • UB's First Civic Engagement and Public Policy Research Fellows Named
    The University at Buffalo has named the first fellows to be funded by the university's Civic Engagement and Public Policy (CEPP) research initiative, one of eight areas identified in the UB 2020 Strategic Plan as the embodiment of a particular tradition of excellence at the university.
  • Media Advisory: UB Regional Institute to host open house
    The University at Buffalo Regional Institute will welcome the community into its new space in downtown Buffalo at an open house to be held December 15.