Social Sciences

News about UB’s social sciences programs, including anthropology, psychology and social work. (see all topics)

  • Study Finds Strong Association Between Problem Drinking and Gambling, with Risk Increasing 23-Fold
    Problem drinkers are 23 times more likely to have a gambling problem than individuals who do not have an alcohol problem, according to a study conducted at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions.
  • $700,000 HUD-Funded Initiative Takes Aim at One of Buffalo's Most Distressed Neighborhoods
    One of Buffalo's most distressed and physically degraded inner city neighborhoods is the target of a new "healthy homes" demonstration project to be administered and operated by the University at Buffalo.
  • UB Nursing Researcher Studies Why Few People Take Charge of Their End-of-Life Medical Decisions
    Why are so many people willing to relegate important medical decisions to strangers? That is the question a University at Buffalo nurse-anthropologist is attempting to answer in a study on medical advance directives funded by the National Institute of Nursing Research.
  • U.S. in Danger of Repressing Human Rights in Ways for Which It Has Criticized Other Countries
    In its efforts to prevent a repeat of the tragic events of Sept. 11, the United State is moving perilously close to creating in our own nation a police state where human rights are denied, according to a professor in the University at Buffalo Law School who is a human rights expert.
  • Award-Winning Paper Ties Failure of Neighborhood Revitalization Movement to Racist Policies, Practices
    A paper by two University at Buffalo professors proposing a new approach to community revitalization has received the 2001 award for Best Action Research Paper on Housing and Community Development from the Fannie Mae Foundation and Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP).
  • Sloan Foundation Funds Development of Three New Professional Master's Degree Programs at UB
    In recognition of its strengths in bioinformatics and related areas, the University at Buffalo has been awarded a major grant to develop professional master's degrees in disciplines closely related to bioinformatics by the prestigious Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
  • Ritalin May Cause Long-Lasting Changes in Brain-Cell Function, UB Researchers Find
    Scientists at the University at Buffalo have shown that the drug methylphenidate, the generic form of Ritalin, which physicians have considered to have only short-term effects, appears to initiate changes in brain function that remain after the therapeutic effects have dissipated.
  • Avatars, EVL and Ghosts -- Oh My!!
    When UB hosts "Digital Frontiers: The Buffalo Summit 2001," on Nov. 2 and 3, one of the projects to be exhibited in connection with the event is a little honey called "EVL: Alive on the Grid" -- a peculiar virtual experience involving avatars, simultaneous occupation of virtual space, lots of music and dancing "ghosts."
  • UB Archaeologist Instrumental in Nineveh, Nimrud Being Added to World List of 100 Most Endangered Sites
    As a result of efforts by the University at Buffalo and a UB professor of classics and a leading archaeologist of the ancient Middle East, ancient Nineveh and Nimrud have been added to the 2002 World Monuments Fund Watch List of the 100 Most Endangered Sites.
  • Study Focuses on Maternal Cocaine Use, Infant Development
    In a new study underway at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions, researchers are examining the cumulative effect of a number of risk factors associated with mothers' cocaine use on their infants' mental development.