Student Life

News about the student experience at UB. (see all topics)

  • UB Parent-Program Coordinator Offers Advice to Parents of Soon-to-Be College Students
    Toby Shapiro, University at Buffalo parent-program coordinator, has one major piece of advice for parents of this fall's crop of new college students: "Always keep the lines of communication open."
  • UB Oozfest -- Volleyball In The Mud -- Set For April 24
    It will be a down-and-dirty day of mud-play April 24, as hundreds of volleyball players from the U.S. and Canada compete in the University at Buffalo's 15th annual Oozfest.
  • UB Ranks In Top 50 of America's "Wired" Campuses
    Yahoo! Internet Life, has ranked the University at Buffalo at No. 47 on its list of 100 Most Wired Colleges in the U.S.