$200 Scholarship Inspires $100,000 Gift to Management School

Release Date: June 16, 1999 This content is archived.


BUFFALO, N.Y. -- Robert and Jane Yendell of Hixson, Tenn., have given $100,000 to the School of Management for the establishment of an undergraduate scholarship fund.

The gift was made in remembrance of a $200 scholarship that Robert Yendell received from UB more than 50 years ago. The scholarship enabled him to enroll in the School of Management at the urging of a high-school teacher and with the support of his parents, the late Fred and Hazel Yendell of Buffalo.

Upon graduating from UB in 1947, Yendell began a successful 51-year career in industrial accounting, which included positions at Sealtest, Sylvania Electric, Cooper Industries and, most recently, as senior vice president and treasurer at Knowlton Brothers.

"I feel very lucky to have had people all my life who have encouraged me to succeed," Yendell said. "My hope is that this gift will help others achieve their goals."

Now retired, the Yendells have three daughters, one son and eight grandchildren.

The UB School of Management annually enrolls more than 1,500 undergraduate students in its nationally ranked business administration and accounting degree programs.

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