Millard Fillmore College Plans Information Session

By Susan M. Marchione

Release Date: October 29, 1999 This content is archived.


BUFFALO, N.Y. -- UB's Millard Fillmore College (MFC) will host a free career seminar and information session for prospective adult students from 10 a.m. to noon Nov. 13 in 215 Student Union on the UB North Campus.

MFC Dean George J. Lopos, Ph.D., will open the session with remarks and a brief introduction about what MFC -- UB's primary unit for evening, continuing education and Internet-based learning -- has to offer the adult and nontraditional student populations.

Lopos says that over the past several years, MFC has expanded its programs and services beyond the traditional campus-based night school. "We provide a flexible, convenient means by which students can continue their education without leaving their worlds of home, office or community. We make your world our classroom."

James A. Anderson, Ph.D., director of instructional technology for MFC, will explain how distance-learning technology affords the busy adult, homemaker or career changer the convenience of taking courses from home or office via the Internet or television.

Sandy Handy, associate, and Jennifer Wantz, career peer advisor, both with the UB Office of Career Planning and Placement, will address "Tools for Career Success" and "Time Management for Adult Students," respectively.

Current MFC students will be on hand to share their academic success stories and a representative from the university's financial aid office will also be available to answer questions.

Additionally, attendees can begin the registration process for Spring 2000 MFC classes -- both campus and Internet-based -- which will begin Jan. 18.

Tours of the North Campus will be available at session's end.

Reservations are required. To reserve a spot, or to obtain further information about MFC's Individualized Major Program, career-focused certificate programs or on-line courses, call 829-2202.