Media Advisory: UB President to Deliver Annual Community Address

Release Date: September 22, 2009 This content is archived.


University at Buffalo President John B. Simpson will deliver his annual community address at 8 a.m. tomorrow (Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2009) in Asbury Hall, 341 Delaware Ave., on the corner of Tupper, in Buffalo.

More than 500 community stakeholders are expected to attend Simpson's fourth-annual community address, during which he will share progress on the implementation of UB 2020 and focus on the work ahead for the university and the community in order to fulfill the potential of UB's strategic plan.

Regionally, as well as nationally, public research universities like UB play a more critical role than ever in responding to these challenging economic times. As UB grows and improves, so will the economy of Buffalo Niagara and the quality of life of citizens of our region.

Press arrangements: John DellaContrada in the Office of University Communications at 716-645-4601 and onsite at 716-361-3006.

Media Contact Information

John Della Contrada
Vice President for University Communications
521 Capen Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260
Tel: 716-645-4094 (mobile: 716-361-3006)
Twitter: UBNewsSource