President Simpson Offers Condolences to People of Japan

Release Date: March 14, 2011 This content is archived.


Buffalo, N.Y. -- We are all shocked and deeply saddened by the terrible destruction caused today by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Our heartfelt sympathies go out to those affected by the disaster and especially to our students, faculty and staff from Japan and their families, as well as our many Japanese alumni, colleagues and friends.

The University at Buffalo has many close and longstanding ties to Japan, and our thoughts are with our many institutional partners, research collaborators and supporters during this very difficult time.

We are relieved to know that UB students currently studying abroad in Japan are safe and unharmed.

While we can't know the full scope and scale of the destruction caused by the disaster, we trust the international community will lend all available assistance as soon as possible.

The University at Buffalo stands ready to provide comfort and support to our Japanese students and colleagues.


John B. Simpson


Media Contact Information

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Buffalo, NY 14260
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