UB's Research and Creativity Fair Emphasizes UB's Rich Undergraduate Experience

Release Date: September 13, 2012 This content is archived.

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UB undergraduates working on a research project

BUFFALO, N.Y. – The University at Buffalo will hold its annual Research and Creativity Fair highlighting the value of student research as a part of a rich undergraduate experience on Friday, Sept. 14, from 11:00 a.m. to 3 p.m., in Capen Hall on UB's North Campus.

The academic fair will feature the university's multiple resources and opportunities for undergraduates to get involved with faculty mentors and their ongoing research projects.

"We're trying to tell the story that research is much more than the lab experiences that many associate it with," says Mara B. Huber, PhD, assistant vice provost for undergraduate education. "It's more than that. Getting involved in research lays the foundation for success in work, graduate school and beyond."

The Research and Creativity Fair, which takes place in the Oscar A. Silverman Library in Capen Hall, will include representatives from several academic UB programs, including the Center for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (CURCA), the Honors College, the Undergraduate Academies, the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), the Center for Academic Development Services (CADS) and the University Libraries.

"Although UB has always been thought of us a mecca for research, often involving graduate students, many may not realize the extent of opportunities for undergraduate students to get involved," Huber says.

"From the moment students come to campus they can join existing research programs or create their own opportunities by finding faculty mentors exploring related topics."

And the most exciting part is that students need not do this alone, according to Huber.

"There are a host of offices and programs within undergraduate education that offer support, funding, and opportunities for student engagement," she says. "Many of these offices will be on hand at the research fair to guide students through the process and learn more about their areas of interest.

The event also gives students the chance to participate in interactive workshops that provide inside information about finding valuable research experiences that will contribute to academic and professional success.

Workshops held in Room 107 Capen, the Honors College Colloquium Room, within the Silverman Library include:

Noon – 12:50 Workforce 2020: Career Skills for The New Economy

1:00 – 1:50 Finding a Research Opportunity through CURCA Research Leads to Fellowships and Scholarships

2:00— 2:50 Faculty Perspectives on Undergraduate Research

Huber also emphasizes that in addition to traditional research opportunities, students can get involved in creative endeavors from all facets of the university, regardless of their areas of interest.

"This is such an exciting time to be a student at UB," Huber says. "New centers, collaborations and initiatives seem to emerge monthly -- and the connections between research and creativity are being blurred in interesting and important ways.

"Undergraduates not only have the opportunity to participate, but more importantly they can contribute to the generation and application of knowledge.

Students from all majors and disciplines are welcome.

For additional information about the fair or undergraduate research opportunities visit the CURCA website at http://curca.buffalo.edu/

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Charles Anzalone
News Content Manager
Educational Opportunity Center, Law,
Nursing, Honors College, Student Activities

Tel: 716-645-4600