Seminar series brings national addiction experts to RIA

By Cathy Wilde

Release Date: August 26, 2014 This content is archived.

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Faye Taxman.

Faye Taxman

Sharon Walsh.

Sharon Walsh

Constance Weisner.

Constance Weisner

William Wieczorek.

William Wieczorek

BUFFALO, N.Y. – National experts on the criminal justice system, opioid abuse, substance abuse treatment and community health will visit the University at Buffalo Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) during its Fall Seminar Series beginning Sept. 17.

The four-part series is free, open to the public and held on the first floor of RIA at 1021 Main St. on UB’s Downtown Campus. All seminars take place on Fridays at 10 a.m., with the exception of Sept. 17, a Wednesday.

The opening seminar on Sept. 17 will feature Faye S. Taxman, PhD, who will discuss “Researching How Justice-Involved People Change: An Agenda to Understand Programming, Sequencing and Timing Effects.” Taxman is a professor of criminology, law and society and director of the Advancing Correctional Excellence Center at George Mason University. She is an expert on correctional systems, including jails, prisons and community corrections, and is co-author of “Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Community Corrections and Addiction Treatment” (Springer 2011) and the forthcoming “Drugs & Crime: The Nexus and Public Policy” (APA Press).

On Oct. 17, Sharon Walsh, PhD, will present “The Opioid Prescription Epidemic: Capitalizing on the Human Psychopharmacology Laboratory to Inform Change.” Walsh is a professor of behavioral science, psychiatry, pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences and director of the Center on Drug and Alcohol Research at the University of Kentucky. Her clinical research focuses on pharmacological and behavioral issues in opioid and cocaine abuse and dependence.

The seminars continue on Nov. 14 with a presentation by Constance Weisner, DrPH, LCSW, on “Integrating Substance Use Treatment and Health Care: A Primary Care-Based Health Home Model.” Weisner is a professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco, and directs a research program addressing access, outcome and cost effectiveness of substance use and mental health treatment in health care settings.

The series will close on Dec. 5 with a seminar by William Wieczorek, PhD, CRA, who will discuss “Implementing Environmental Prevention: West Side Youth Development Coalition.” He is a professor in the Department of Geography and Planning and director of the Center for Health and Social Research at SUNY Buffalo State. His research interests include the epidemiology of substance abuse, prevention of drunk driving, evaluation of educational programs and community health needs assessments.

For more information about the Fall Seminar Series, contact Rebecca Houston, PhD, at 716-887-2579 or visit

RIA is a research center of the University at Buffalo and a national leader in the study of alcohol and substance abuse issues. RIA’s research programs, most of which have multiple-year funding, are supported by federal, state and private foundation grants. Located on UB’s Downtown Campus, RIA is a member of the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus and a key contributor to UB’s reputation for research excellence. To learn more, visit

Media Contact Information

Cathy Wilde no longer works for UB. To contact Clinical and Research
Institute on Addictions staff, call 716-887-2566 or visit the RIA website Sorry for the inconvenience.