FAQ – Robert Spencer event at UB, May 1, 2017

Release Date: May 1, 2017 This content is archived.


Who is sponsoring this event?

The UB Young Americans for Freedom is sponsoring this event. The event is being financed entirely through the Young Americans for Freedom’s national chapter.

How is the UB Student Association involved in this event?

The UB Young Americans for Freedom has temporary club recognition status as part of the Student Association.  Because this club has a temporary status it does not receive funding from the Student Association.  The UB Young Americans for Freedom can seek permanent status by proceeding through the Student Association Senate recognition process.

Are student fees being used to finance this event?

No. The UB Young Americans for Freedom is sponsoring this event and the event is being financed entirely through the Young Americans for Freedom’s national chapter.

Why are student clubs allowed to invite speakers to campus?

Student Association-sponsored clubs have the ability to invite speakers of their choosing to the university and must follow university guidelines on the use of campus space.  University Police performed a safety assessment of the Robert Spencer event and concluded it could be held as scheduled.  

How many clubs does the UB Student Association sponsor?

UB’s Student Association is made up of over 130 clubs.  Student Association-sponsored clubs are permitted to use university space for their events and activities.  Student Association sponsorship of clubs does not imply its endorsement of a club’s events or activities.

How is the UB Student Association funded?

UB Student Association funds are collected through an activity fee paid each semester by each student at UB.  The fee provides support for student organization programs and activities.  Taxpayer dollars are not used to fund the Student Association.

Does the appearance of speakers at UB imply the university’s endorsement of speakers and their viewpoints/opinions?

The university does not take a position on the views expressed by those who visit its campus. However, the university requires all groups using campus space to abide by university guidelines and state laws concerning the exhibition and management of public events.

As a public university, it is a fundamental value of UB that all members of the campus community and their invited guests have a right to peacefully express their views and opinions, regardless of whether others may disagree with those expressions. This includes the right of protesters to oppose the views or opinions of others, but not in such a way as to limit or prevent the speaker's freedom of expression or interfere with university operations.    More information is available at http://www.buffalo.edu/news/key-issues/freedom-of-expression.html

How does the university address safety concerns at public events?

University Police typically have a presence at on-campus public events to help ensure the safety of speakers and attendees.

Diversity and inclusion are strongly held values of UB.  The university is committed to being a safe and welcoming place for all people.

Media Contact Information

John Della Contrada
Vice President for University Communications
521 Capen Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260
Tel: 716-645-4094 (mobile: 716-361-3006)
Twitter: UBNewsSource